The online racing simulator
A new MechWarrior
(25 posts, started )
A new MechWarrior
Yep, that's right, Piranha Games are doing it, based on the UT3 engine, and according to the preview and interview on IGN, it's will be awesome.

As I need to promote my gaming blog a tad, I hope you don't mind if I link there instead of directly to IGN :P Feel free to post directly to IGN though

an austrian gamer

Oh how I loved the 4 original ones to death!
It'll suck ass since no-one in the gaming industry has any balls left because of million dollar budgets that has to be repayed to the publisher so the devs will dodge any strands of originality, difficulty, complexity and will opt for easy and fun gameplay without the fear of death or difficult decisions.
#3 - BAMBO
Finally! I've wanted a sequel for ages and this just made my day! I see they've kept some of the original models, just made them a lot more awesome...sweet!

I also loved the originals
Bahhhh!!! MechWarrior.....I was a Starsiege fan. Oh gone were the glory days of the Earthsiege/Starsiege and MechWarrior rivalries that produced great mech squad games.....

Anyway I'm mildly curious as Starsiege:2845 completely flopped...we're let with no more modern mech games unless you consider chrome hounds and exteel as games worth mentioning.....

Still...I'm more interested in the korean game Metal Rage. I just pray a playable version comes out soon as most free to play korean games have that retarded KSSN requirement.......and that korean f2ps typically takes years to develop an international or english friendly version

Metal Rage: ... IBxKKpk&v=TVVbIBxKKpk
I will play this game with the G25 for sure!

throttle = walk
brake = walk backwards
clutch = jetpack thingy
buttons on the wheel for steering the actual robot left/right
wheel for turning the robot around his middle
flappy thingies for weapon packs
then different things on the shifter.

Would be awesome.
trailers look cool. Looks from teh Rewind Theater on IGN they have kept a lot of the original core elements of the universe and expanded them even further.

Imagine playing this with TrackIR, a big screen, massive audio, high resolution gfx... Man... i'm droolin!
Sort-of-off-topic-yet-on-topic-since-we're-discussing-mech-crap has anyone here owned Steel Battalion (with full epixxx controller set) for original Xbox?

I'm still pondering whether to pull the trigger on eBay 2nd hand version as that was the most hardcore mech sim ever.

Just see that start-up procedure - it's so hilariously over the top and awesome at the same time.
#8 - Jakg
Meh - 3 was the best, 4 just seemed like a cash cow, not holding out much hope...
Hah nice, used to play the third one when I was younger. I wonder how this will be.
Mechwarrior 3, left hand on joystick, right on mouse, have fun
Big stompy robots!

The collateral damage as you stomp round the city looks great fun. Is it me or do the cars in the carpark bounce up and down with the Mech's footsteps?
woah... i need to upgrade my pc... that game just looks awesome !

i remember that one of my brothers used to play mechwarrior like at least more than 10 years ago
This seems cool i want that
One thing I found funny about the video - I used to play Mechwarrior 2 on my friend's P90 and remember loving the intro sequence:

I used to think 'will games ever look that good in real-time?' and I think we can all agree that this new one is a couple of orders of magnitude better than the rendered intro to MW2
Another shameless blatant self advertising: MechWarrior 4 + Merceneries Addon will soon be downloadable for free!

linky to my blog
Oh fantastic!
Sweetness, thanks for the headsup!

Going to be a busy fall, with Arma2, MW4 (5?) and iracing...
I personaly stopped liking MW after the second one, I used to be my bro's tech, I'd set up his mech for specific conditions and he'd do the fighting, if he coulden't win a match, I'd either re-tune the setup or actualy fight myself. When I played myself I did it all, setup, strategy and fighting.

Lizardfolk mentioned the only other mech series I liked, Earthsiege. I used to play that alot, particularly ES2. It was nearly as customizable as MW2 but had a good story line too it.

I realy wish they worked on my current computer, I'd still go back and play through Earthsiege again.
yay for oversized mechanical chickens!
I love MechWarrior. I even had the lead figures you could paint, they were totally addictive to collect. I use an older version of the Belkin Nostromo Speed Pad, it's a USB accessory that runs off of macros. The one I have is similar to this one, and only cost about $30 bucks. It's perfect for left hands while the right is on the keys/mouse, I used a trackball with it.

Quote from Gabkicks :

NDAs are just something that happen to other people aren't they..?

I'm in the closed Beta. Without giving too much away, it's pretty good (they've COMPLETELY captured the feeling being the pilot of 80-foot robot as opposed to 'being' the robot itself) but being used to World Of Tanks, I find the lack of cover annoying in a lot of maps, especially the fact that even hard cover does diddly-squat against guided missiles - all it takes is a couple of mechs kitted-out as missile-boats and some good scouts to utterly dominate a match. Until you get used to it, the control system is pretty unintuitive too.

All-in-all I'd give it 8 out of 10 though and the fact that it's a free-to-play is even better.
Quote from Crashgate3 :NDAs are just something that happen to other people aren't they..?

The nda has been lifted.
Fair enough.

A new MechWarrior
(25 posts, started )