The online racing simulator
Does this not mean a DQ and more points for us?

FUBAR finished 13th, remove spdo and SRLT = 11th = 28+3 pts = 31pts

Please have a look on the tracker. Fubar finished 14th.

spdo and SRLT removed -> FUBAR 12th.
12th are 26 pts + 3 bonus pts = 29 pts.

Don't know the problem...
Right oh, my mistake
What a hell is going on? I saw overall results, including results from last race and our team got 0 points ? We finished in 11-th place and we should get our 28 points. No penalties at all. By the way, admins, please change our teams title from ' Team' to 'SimRacing Lithuania Team'
It was explained 4 posts above yours...
I'm just speechless.... We had very hard and not most successful race, in deed, but we tried so hard and from 21-th place we have climbed up to 11-th and *bang* 0 points... Wtf ?

The reason: bad confirmation... pff.....

What I had to do if all confirmed guys couldnt participate in this stage, because of more important activities. And manager, who has confirmed line up was off for few days? Huh? We had similiar situation i previous rounds, but everything was just fine, but now.

GTAL admins works really slowly, results are being published in long time. And I think working like selfish crew.

I'm just feeling hurt by you.
You should have told us in the confirmation thread, then you would have only received a DT penalty. And you should have read the rules, therefore you should have known the consequences.
Quote from seniecka :I'm just speechless.... We had very hard and not most successful race, in deed, but we tried so hard and from 21-th place we have climbed up to 11-th and *bang* 0 points... Wtf ?

The reason: bad confirmation... pff.....

What I had to do if all confirmed guys couldnt participate in this stage, because of more important activities. And manager, who has confirmed line up was off for few days? Huh? We had similiar situation i previous rounds, but everything was just fine, but now.

GTAL admins works really slowly, results are being published in long time. And I think working like selfish crew.

I'm just feeling hurt by you.

do it better, we all have a reallife and all of us are working long a day.
you had time until thurdsay to confirm a roster for the race and if a manager is not available and a few people will miss the event, you may write to an admin to correct the roster. we are not running behind everyone to get a roster from them, confirming is the responsibility of the team and not our.
Well 4 drivers for 3 hours is more than sufficient, but there isn't anything prohibiting you listing more drivers. If you listed say 6-8 drivers in the tracker, teams wouldn't necessarily have to change their rosters, and it wouldn't even hurt anyone since you could immediately see from the tracker how many people drove.

Would make sence wouldn't it?
Quote from hyntty : but there isn't anything prohibiting you listing more drivers.

There is :

Quote from Rules, 2.2(Teams) :[FONT=TimesNewRomanPSMT]
2. Each team must nominate at least 2 drivers and a maximum of 4 drivers per race.

E : My mistake, I misread Timo's post.
... read more carefully!

The roster announcing isn't around just to make it more annoying for people to paricipate, it's because the tracker has to be updated. SO:

1)Insert more names to the tracker
2) ???
3) profit!

Smaller teams would never have to be updated again. People would also have more time to decide who's driving. Even if only 4 people may drive it makes no difference whatsoever how many names there are listed in the tracker. We would also get rid of stupid penalties due to last minute changes (honestly, who came up with a dt in race for that? Why not a grid penalty like sane people would have done?)

The only downside here would be mojo and trekker getting depressed because they're german and thus have to have regulations and procedures.
Will you (admins) set a layout on the track in the last round? I think that it should be to prevent cutting the track.
Quote from hyntty :
The only downside here would be mojo and trekker getting depressed because they're german and thus have to have regulations and procedures.

I'am really tired about such coment's...
Rules and regulations nothing had to do with our nationality, but they are needed for a clean racing process. And a clean racing progress is what you want, isn't it?

Why we don't add all drivers to tracker? Well thats simple... the tracker can't handle more den 4 drivers per team. Thats why there is a confirmation thread each race beside the application thread. Thats why there is a 4 racers per team rule...

Next thing.... releasing results... well, i'am a working guy. I have a 60 hours week and LFS and the GTAL is a hobby. If i have time, then i invest it in my hobbys. If not, so i can't do anything against this fact. Short, iv'e done the results in my lunch break at work, maybe this ok for you that i had to spent my lunch for your satisfaction seniecka?

If you have any problem with the league or the admins or you are to stupid to read the rules before you participate, quit the participation and let me my peace. Otherwise you can host the GTAL next year and make all the god damn shit better. Don't forget to delete the rules, because we both know you can't read them *laughing* Its total wayne to me... really!


We will test this at saturday, we will annouce it in time and set up the GTAL Server so that the layout can be testet from all drivers. I hope thats ok...
Quote from Mojo1987 :I'am really tired about such coment's...
Rules and regulations nothing had to do with our nationality, but they are needed for a clean racing process. And a clean racing progress is what you want, isn't it?

Why we don't add all drivers to tracker? Well thats simple... the tracker can't handle more den 4 drivers per team. Thats why there is a confirmation thread each race beside the application thread. Thats why there is a 4 racers per team rule...

Next thing.... releasing results... well, i'am a working guy. I have a 60 hours week and LFS and the GTAL is a hobby. If i have time, then i invest it in my hobbys. If not, so i can't do anything against this fact. Short, iv'e done the results in my lunch break at work, maybe this ok for you that i had to spent my lunch for your satisfaction seniecka?

If you have any problem with the league or the admins or you are to stupid to read the rules before you participate, quit the participation and let me my peace. Otherwise you can host the GTAL next year and make all the god damn shit better. Don't forget to delete the rules, because we both know you can't read them *laughing* Its total wayne to me... really!

Well said

(Useless post, but I'm a bit saddened to see these admins critisized that much tbh, we shouldn't forget that organising an endurance league is extremely hard, and as it's their first one, they just cannot be perfect for their first attempt)
Quote from Mojo1987 :We will test this at saturday, we will annouce it in time and set up the GTAL Server so that the layout can be testet from all drivers. I hope thats ok...

Well here's the one IGTC used last year minus all the SC/Push Car cones etc
Attached files
KY3R_IGTC08-gtal.lyt - 276 B - 286 views
Quote from boothy :Well here's the one IGTC used last year minus all the SC/Push Car cones etc

Oh really thanks, this will save some work =)
Seeing this complaining about admins and rules is really sad to be honest.

Admins : A human which have to make decision with a replay and watch several times too make sure the right decision is made. Hmmm that means as a admin they cant make a mistake. Ohh but there humans there bound too make mistakes. Pitty I thought they used Androids in this serie for admin. That would made it fair. Ohh there dont excist such Androids yet. Must been watching Startrek too long then. Well we will settle for a human then.

The point is the guys have a job, do some other interesting stuff and also admin the GTAL. So they are sometimes late with results. And they dont make the right decision now and then. So what. Who cares, they make they the decision thats it. Done, delt with next please. Bloody hell its a game. Stop taking it so damn serious. To play a game is ment to be too have fun. Any game. LFS is a game not real life racing. So stop taking it so bloody life serious.

@ Rules : I really dont see the point you constantly have to disagree with the rules. You agreed at the beginning of season of GTAL with the rules. Now I see constant moaning and nagging about the rules. Why for crying out loud. You all agreed so live with it. When you bought a different game then LFS and you dont agree with the rules about the game you gonna nagg about it aswell to the game studio ??. No you dont, you accept learn to live with it and thats it. So is GTAL, accept learn to live with it.

Guys you really shoudnt be taking LFS that serious. Been there, seen it, did it. In the end you will loose complet interest in LFS becus you look at it they wrong way. Dont get me wrong serious driving is needed but always keep in mind your playing a game for fun. NOt for money or anything else.
If you want to get a perfectly professional and instant admining/ organisation, we can talk about a league fee, and we hire a full time admin
Quote from Mojo1987 :I'am really tired about such coment's...
Rules and regulations nothing had to do with our nationality, but they are needed for a clean racing process. And a clean racing progress is what you want, isn't it?

So why does everything have to be done the hard way?
Quote :

Why we don't add all drivers to tracker? Well thats simple... the tracker can't handle more den 4 drivers per team. Thats why there is a confirmation thread each race beside the application thread. Thats why there is a 4 racers per team rule...

So how does MoE cope with their 6 drivers and the same tracker? Or are they just more h4x?
Quote :

If you have any problem with the league or the admins or you are to stupid to read the rules before you participate, quit the participation and let me my peace. Otherwise you can host the GTAL next year and make all the god damn shit better. Don't forget to delete the rules, because we both know you can't read them *laughing* Its total wayne to me... really!

What kind of a statement is that? OF ****ING COURCE YOU WANT COMMENTS AND CRITISISM! Or are you just so plain retarded to claim that the rules YOU made are so perfect there is nothing to improve ever? People participate in a league because they are interested to be a part of a good race event, and naturally also want the series to evolve. Till now every godddamn suggestion anyone has made has been shattered by you, the organizers, for all kinds of uncomprehendable reasons. So any iniatiative stops at you because you know better, which is extremely frustrating for anyone wanting to participate.
Quote from hyntty :
What kind of a statement is that? OF ****ING COURCE YOU WANT COMMENTS AND CRITISISM! Or are you just so plain retarded to claim that the rules YOU made are so perfect there is nothing to improve ever? People participate in a league because they are interested to be a part of a good race event, and naturally also want the series to evolve. Till now every godddamn suggestion anyone has made has been shattered by you, the organizers, for all kinds of uncomprehendable reasons. So any iniatiative stops at you because you know better, which is extremely frustrating for anyone wanting to participate.

Well out of order dude. Want your dummy back?

Like it or not, the rules were issued well in front of the first race. If you didn't like them you should have withdrawn.

Lets not forget this is a big task the admins have taken on, and its their first time. At least when they make a decision they stick to it, and thats how it should be.

@ Neils - man I agree with you for a change
Quote from hyntty :So why does everything have to be done the hard way?

Nothing more to say about this. If you have the oppinion that administrating a league have something to do with the nationality of a admin, then you are first a little racist and on second point you have a totally loss of reality... we in germany talk to people like you "Wenn man keine Ahnung hat, einfach mal die Fresse halten". Feel free to translate yourself.

Quote from hyntty :
So how does MoE cope with their 6 drivers and the same tracker? Or are they just more h4x?

First, we are not the MoE, not the IGTC and not a other league. We are the GTAL and we do this what we have set up at start of the league.
The tracker wasn't programmed by us. We got it and get told not to set up more then 4 racers per team to prevent technical issues.
If you don't understand this, then not even god can help you...

Quote from hyntty :
What kind of a statement is that? OF ****ING COURCE YOU WANT COMMENTS AND CRITISISM! Or are you just so plain retarded to claim that the rules YOU made are so perfect there is nothing to improve ever? People participate in a league because they are interested to be a part of a good race event, and naturally also want the series to evolve. Till now every godddamn suggestion anyone has made has been shattered by you, the organizers, for all kinds of uncomprehendable reasons. So any iniatiative stops at you because you know better, which is extremely frustrating for anyone wanting to participate.

Well i have no problem with critisism, but with flame. Its extreme frustrating too, that peoples have to flame and bash the admins after each race. I hope you have read the post, that LR has closed and will not host the second season (WOOHOO SHIT ADMINS ARE DEAD!). First i was sad of that and had planned to host the second season without any team in background and expand the rules / league like racers this want. But now i don't have any intrests in this. Thats why the suggsestions are not importent for me. In a active season there will be never rule changes. And yes rules will be never perfect, i know that fact.

Oh and no fear, i decided too, that i'am not administrate the last race. I think its better for you guys. I don't have the intention to destroy my hobby because of a crowd of obstinate people.
Quote from Mojo1987 :


We will test this at saturday, we will annouce it in time and set up the GTAL Server so that the layout can be testet from all drivers. I hope thats ok...

Thanks for your reply
Quote from niels1 :Seeing this complaining about admins and rules is really sad to be honest.

Admins : A human which have to make decision with a replay and watch several times too make sure the right decision is made. Hmmm that means as a admin they cant make a mistake. Ohh but there humans there bound too make mistakes. Pitty I thought they used Androids in this serie for admin. That would made it fair. Ohh there dont excist such Androids yet. Must been watching Startrek too long then. Well we will settle for a human then.

The point is the guys have a job, do some other interesting stuff and also admin the GTAL. So they are sometimes late with results. And they dont make the right decision now and then. So what. Who cares, they make they the decision thats it. Done, delt with next please. Bloody hell its a game. Stop taking it so damn serious. To play a game is ment to be too have fun. Any game. LFS is a game not real life racing. So stop taking it so bloody life serious.

@ Rules : I really dont see the point you constantly have to disagree with the rules. You agreed at the beginning of season of GTAL with the rules. Now I see constant moaning and nagging about the rules. Why for crying out loud. You all agreed so live with it. When you bought a different game then LFS and you dont agree with the rules about the game you gonna nagg about it aswell to the game studio ??. No you dont, you accept learn to live with it and thats it. So is GTAL, accept learn to live with it.

Guys you really shoudnt be taking LFS that serious. Been there, seen it, did it. In the end you will loose complet interest in LFS becus you look at it they wrong way. Dont get me wrong serious driving is needed but always keep in mind your playing a game for fun. NOt for money or anything else.

nothing more to say, thank you
Lot of people don't understand Endurance's not formula one ! No wars in Endurance ! No FOTA and no FIA ! Here you don't need to be the faster and be in the limit of the rules ! Look at Peugeot in le Mans, the 908 was less "radical" than R15 but it win ! In south city we were only the 5th fastest on the track but we won (with luck) ! Like all the other real or virtual championship this championship have lot of problem and some rules aren't really clear (for exemple I didn't have liked the start at Westhill) but the admins are human and they aren't 2500 people like what it is in Le Mans with ACO...

Furthermore it's the first season...if everything was perfeckt it would not be easy to do better for season 2 . Let the admin correct their errors for season 2 and wait. And if you don't like at all the rules stop this championship and endurance races...Because like we see in Le Mans series (LMS, ALMS...) some rules seems stupid for some people, other can't be good for you in forcemajeur but it is hard to organize a race in a game ! Tracer isn't an easy log and it take lot of time to write all the username of all the teams (I'm admin in a french endurance league in LFS and I hate tracker because of it ^^), they do a pretty nice work and I don't understand why you are so upset because the admins are all german...First german organize nices real endurance race (24hours of Nurburgring, VLN series) and germany is the biggest endurance country (hum....Porsche AG ^^) with France (Le Mans <3 ) and they don't stop asking for another admins in order to help them !

Respect them and say them thanks because this league is certainly one of the best in LFS ! Sure MoE and IGTC teams are faster and better but in this league there is teams from different level which enable everyone to fight with teams which are as fast as them and there is so beautiful fight for the first...and the last rank !

I have some suggestion for admins :

- what about some longer race for next season ? 3hours races are good with a 6 hours race but why not another 6 hours race ?
- what about a streaming i neach race (we have found free streaming in the web for our french league )
- what a minimum laps done in the combo in order not to have some "touristic" people in the race (like #30 in FE4 where the were DQ because of that, it is not against #30 just a way to evolve and enable everyone to have a clean race from the first to the last position)
Quote :respect them and say them thanks
