I got this Email yesterday at 22:25 and today at 12:02
Received from lfs.net ([])
I checked my mails at ~12:30 so i got both emails at once.
I tried to log me in at lfs.net and it said that my password is wrong.
Ingame the same. So, my WEB and GAMEpasswords are changed.
The button for retrieving the login details didn't worked becaus the Email, which i entered in my profile, and where the two emails are send to, didn't exist anymore in the system.
So i asked the lfs team via the contact form on lfs.net for help.
I was lucky, that my account could be reseted and can use it now again.
The same problem had the user "Sven" today. He is an old teammate from me which i know personally. He got this email, with his ecatly login details. He tried to login on lfs.net... and it said: "wrong password"
I can't say right now if he got his account allready back.
And also today I met my also old teammate, i know him personnaly too, "SyniX" online. The first time for about a year or more. I asked him if it is realy him... And he was not.
The person who used this account told me, that he changed his old steam account with the lfs account. But the name of the person from which i got it didn't seemed to be the real SyniX.
I still wait for him(SyniX) to get online in ICQ so i can ask him, if he really changed this Account for CS:S. But i can't image that he would do so. Even if dint' play for more than one year.