If anyone's in the market for a high def camcorder at the moment and doesn't have much to spend, I'd like to recommend the Hitachi HV656E. It does 1080p at 30fps and gives pretty good picture quality, has 5x optical zoom, face detection, manual settings, macro mode and LED video light.
Picked it up for £117 from Argos this afternoon after a fruitless search for a Toshiba Camileo H20. As far as I'm aware, the only difference is the form factor and the Hitachi is £40 cheaper.

Sample video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... tAxk0&feature=related
In the US, this is sold as the Sanyo HD100 in Walmart.
I don't work for anyone related to this camera btw, it's purely a "hey, look what I found!"
Picked it up for £117 from Argos this afternoon after a fruitless search for a Toshiba Camileo H20. As far as I'm aware, the only difference is the form factor and the Hitachi is £40 cheaper.

Sample video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v ... tAxk0&feature=related
In the US, this is sold as the Sanyo HD100 in Walmart.
I don't work for anyone related to this camera btw, it's purely a "hey, look what I found!"