Well those Adobe and Macromedia (which is now the same anyway) programs suck if you ask me - nothing works as it should. Specially Im talking about compatibility between different versions of the same program, or if you want to work with Windows and Mac (like we have to do at my uni if we want to continue work at home), you cant really open your projects. You must import and export, and experiment all the time.
Currently we have also installed cracked versions because we dont have the very newest and some older versions licensed from the uni, but it workes somehow...
Another example: Freehand is supposed to be a program where you can create layouts for prints, thus things must be extremely exact. But when you move an object with the mouse, it doesnt use the raster (like moving in 0.1mm steps), NO, Macromedia calculates the millimeteres the object shall be moved by the pixels on the screen. The result is, its impossible to move an object and have it exact afterwards, and moving by input is very limited either. Its a joke
However, Im pleased that the uber version looks better