The online racing simulator
[SR] UF1 Championship
(55 posts, started )
Is westhill in the track lineup? If not, can you add it?
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Is westhill in the track lineup? If not, can you add it?

Both WE1 and WE1R (the far better track, IMO ) are used.

You can find the track list here. I think this is valid atm but not 100% sure.
Quote from jasonmatthews :Ok, added the LFS shortcut check, which applies to all the tracks you mentioned. Let me know if that helps at all..

Hi Jason I just tested at FE1 and whatever you added is not working, its still possible to cut well off the track and gain time without penalty.

Will check KY3 asap and post back.


YoRap wins May's GTi Championship with 71 points. AsnL came 2nd with 69 points and |DSP|Jony came 3rd with 52 points. Congrats YoRap, well deserved!!
We have now changed this to [SR] UF1 Racing, come join
been waiting for this one :-]
Oh, I might actually play some LFS tonight. Been ages since I played a good, crowded UF1 race.

UF1s are best when driven like real mini club races - 5 abreast, with the two on either side with their wheels on the grass.
Was a great success yesterday. Around 30 people for most of the evening
As long as it is popular, or someone else copies it
Hey, thought i would post you this as i think your not allowed to do this. Am sure this guy is using a team skin and i think he aint in that team. Am not too sure so i thought i would post it.

His username is - mademan
Attached images
Quote from 1993weeman :Hey, thought i would post you this as i think your not allowed to do this. Am sure this guy is using a team skin and i think he aint in that team. Am not too sure so i thought i would post it.

His username is - mademan

i've seen that guy and yes he is useing a inferno skin.

Also had some great racing on Aston North with G Thompson and another guy i can't remember his name but i did come in 2nd but i held 1st for most of the race and it was awsome I uploaded the race replay for those that want to see it.
Attached files
EpiceRace.mpr - 585.5 KB - 170 views
Had some great races today, few podium finishes and close battles on SO and FE.
Having some great racing on AS2 right now !
Just to let everyone know, we have changed the name of the server to [SR] Tintop Racing. Sorry for the confusion

The reason I have done this is because we plan on changing the cars but keeping it on the same server and the same points and championship. I am thinking a different car every month atm, as I know we can get bored of the same car after a while.

What do you think?

Quote from jasonmatthews :..The reason I have done this is because we plan on changing the cars but keeping it on the same server and the same points and championship. I am thinking a different car every month atm, as I know we can get bored of the same car after a while.

What do you think?

I think that's a good idea, at least I got bored already with XFG/XRG.
Quote from Tukko :I think that's a good idea, at least I got bored already with XFG/XRG.

What no snidey remarks regarding my team? You feeling ok mate
Quote from jasonmatthews :What no snidey remarks regarding my team? You feeling ok mate

Not really.. I'm having these terrible nightmares about joining [SR]
After your previous comments, it is safe to say that even if SR were the VERY last team left in LFS, you still wouldn't stand a hope in hell
Quote from Tukko :To convince that there are still other teams alive than [SR] illepall

*smap smap*

Quote from Tukko :It would be easier that when you buy your licence you'll get the [SR] tag for free Gratz # 12873876739898... or something!

Thanks btw for all your support
Quote from xXvenomXx :I will have to try this out, ive never raced the uf1 and it looks like if you guys are getting 20+ people on at times it could give me the thrills that CTRA's ufbr server did

Would you ever consider trying to make a ufbr server? I'd be the happiest person alive if there was a popular ufbr server around (my perfect car ).

(I was so miffed when i got back from having a break from LFS to see CTRA had gone down only a few weeks before )

I thought that there already is a UFBR server running?
Quote from jasonmatthews :Thanks btw for all your support

Np, it's always fun picking on people with no sense of humour

Quote from xXvenomXx :Would you ever consider trying to make a ufbr server? I'd be the happiest person alive if there was a popular ufbr server around (my perfect car).

there's BABY UFR LEAGUE server online now.

[SR] UF1 Championship
(55 posts, started )