The online racing simulator
Oval-Junkies Series III starts saturday 25.07.2009
YES! We are doing it again. After 3 (oO) years we will have another phuncky fresh Oval-Junkies Series.

Oval-Junkies Series III starts saturday 25.07.2009

Server is open for practice PASSWORD: noob




25.07.2009 XRT 30 Min. (won by [FM]Plaztikman)38 laps
25.07.2009 FZR 30 Min. (won by [FM]Plaztikman)47 laps
01.08.2009 LX4 30 Min. (won by x[FM]Ronald)35 laps
01.08.2009 UFR 30 Min. (won by x[FM]Ronald)39 laps
08.08.2009 XFR 30 Min. (won by x[FM]2March)40 laps
08.08.2009 XRG 30 Min. (won by x[FM]CrazyHarry)33 laps
15.08.2009 XFG 30 Min. (won by x)32 laps
15.08.2009 RB4 30 Min. (won by x)37 laps
22.08.2009 RAC 30 Min. (won by x)39 laps
22.08.2009 FOX 30 Min. (won by x)40 laps
29.08.2009 FO8 30 Min. (won by x)49 laps
29.08.2009 UF1 30 Min. (won by x)27 laps
05.09.2009 FXO 30 Min. (won by x)38 laps
05.09.2009 FBM 30 Min. (won by x)37 laps
12.09.2009 LX6 30 Min. (won by x)38 laps
12.09.2009 FXR 30 Min. (won by x)46 laps
19.09.2009 FZ5 30 Min. (won by x)40 laps
19.09.2009 XRR 30 Min. (won by x)47 laps
26.09.2009 MRT 30 Min. (won by x)30 laps
26.09.2009 BF1 60 Min. (won by x)~115 laps

01. (EAGLE)Dougie
02. (EAGLE)Smoky
03. [EvoD]Calibra
04. [FM]2March
05. [FM]Brandon
06. [FM]CrazyHarry
07. [FM]Ecret
08. [FM]Fischfix
09. [FM]Fras
10. [FM]Jack
11. [FM]JeffyG
12. [FM]Karkar
13. [FM]Plaztikman
14. [FM]Popps
15. [FM]Ronald
16. [FM]SmegFirk
17. [FM]R1 (?)
18. [FM]Torben (?)
19. [FR]Frogs
20. [RRT]Cobra
21. [SCP]Igor*cisco
22. [SR]Headbanger
23. [SR]NikoPDR
24. [SR]Wild
25. [SRLT]D.Buck
26. BRiT_ORC
27. E.Vegas
28. Ki-Men
29. LazLoW
30. Lizardfolk
31. Nathan246
32. RaGs
33. Welty


We will have a single car qualification. This means everybody spectate and we run down the connection list.

You stay in spectate sice you see the message "(Your nick) PLEASE START YOUR OUTLAP"

Tire heating is allowed. If you wreck - your problem.

You have 3 laps. 2 outlaps and one hotlap. Or 1 outlap and 2 hotlaps. As you like. ** After you finished your 3. lap, please shift+s to leave the track as fast as possible because the next car is doing the qualification.

After the qualification you can pit out and practice some starts in the pits or mess around a bit. =)


Please stay INSIDE the pit area after qualification.

We have NO laglap, we do a flying start. After the race is started, a pacecar will pass all drivers and take the lead with 150 km/h (93 mph?)

After the first lap the pace car will spectate after crossing the start/finish lane. The message "PACE CAR pitted" means GREEN FLAG.

FM-Oval rules are simple:
Let faster cars pass inside, don´t block. Remember that there are 4 lines around the track not only 2. Maybe 2 cars want to pass you at the same time on the inside. Watch your mirrors, turn you head or go wide not to force a crash. The draft is huge, you can easiely speed up if someone passed you.

Obey the BLUE FLAG. Don´t slow down if someone tries to pass. Just go to the right side, stay high in turns and keep your speed.

In a long distance race you don´t have to shift+s after crash IF YOU CAN CLEAR THE BEST LINE. If your car doesn´t move at all, please shift+s to pit.

Please do not bump draft for longer then one lap. No bump drafting in open wheel cars!

Please join our ventrilo voice chat for the race. Also if you don´t have a mic or don´t want to talk. You can just listen. It´s very useful to hear something like "Car standing in turn 2 low" =)

Just dl the vent client under

Point System
First place - 10 Pts.
Second place - 6 Pts.
Third place - 4 Pts.
4th to last place - 2 Pts.

First place qualification - 1 Pt.
Fastest lap time - 1 Pt.

RACE 1 (XRT; 25.07.2009)

01. [FM]Plaztikman
02. [RSR]Havoc
03. [FM]Brandon
04. [FM]2March
05. [FM]CrazyHarry
06. [FM]Ecret
07. [SCP]Igor*cisco
08. [FM]Ronald
09. [SRLT]D.Buck
10. RaGs

Winner Qualification: [FM]Plaztikman (48.06)

Fastest Race-Lap: [RSR]Havoc (48.04)
RACE 2 (FZR; 25.07.2009)

01. [FM]Plaztikman
02. [FM]Ronald
03. [FM]2March
04. [FM]Brandon
05. [FM]CrazyHarry
06. RaGs
07. [FM]Popps
08. BRiT_ORC
09. [FM]Ecret
10. [SCP]Igor*cisco
11. [FM]Fras

Winner Qualification: [FM]Plaztikman (38.49)

Fastest Race-Lap: [FM]Plaztikman (37.77)
RACE 3 (LX4; 01.08.2009)

01. [FM]Ronald
02. [FM]CrazyHarry
03. [FM]Brandon
04. [FM]SmegFirk
05. [SCP]Igor*cisco
06. [FM]2March
07. [FM]Fras

Winner Qualification: [FM]Brandon (52.07)

Fastest Race-Lap: [FM]CrazyHarry (51.42)
RACE 4 (UFR; 01.08.2009)

01. [FM]Ronald
02. [FM]CrazyHarry
03. [RSR]Havoc
04. [FM]Fras
05. [SCP]Igor*cisco
06. [FM]Brandon

Winner Qualification: [FM]2March (46.77)

Fastest Race-Lap: [RSR]Havoc (46.31)

01. [FM]Ronald 2/6/10/10 = 28
02. [FM]Plaztikman 10+1/10+1+1/0/0 = 23
03. [FM]CrazyHarry 2/2/6/6+1 = 17
04. [FM]Brandon 4/2/4+1/2 = 13
05. [RSR]Havoc 6+1/0/0/4+1 = 12
06. [FM]2March 2/4/2/1 = 9
07. [SCP]Igor*cisco 2/2/2/2 = 8
08. [FM]Fras 0/2/2/2 = 6
09. [FM]Ecret 2/2/0/0 = 4
09. RaGs 2/2/0/0 = 4
11. [FM]Popps 0/2/0/0 = 2
11. [SRLT]D.Buck 2/0/0/0 = 2
11. BRiT_ORC 0/2/0/0 = 2

I'm interested
I'll contact you soon if my inscription is definitiv


Free training on the [FM]Fun server. Oval setups made by 31time WR-holder [FM]Plaztikman (510N3D) available at - Forum.
It's **Lizardfolk as I'm participating as a Clockwork Member

PS: 12'm going to drown in an FM sea
#6 - wild
Quote from lizardfolk :PS: 12'm going to drown in an FM sea

Haha it's not all that bad I'm there so we can just bump our way past those noobs :P

Anyway on a more serious note. This is definitely shaping up to be a good series Harry, well done
I might try it!!!

Count me in!
omg i have a man-crush on harry

saturday sucks tho cuz i work.........
count me in
just one thing why two race with different cars on the same day?
The races are only 30 min. + qualifications, we have 20 cars so if we have 2 races per eventday we can run the series in 10 weeks.
Quote from Crazy Harry :The races are only 30 min. + qualifications, we have 20 cars so if we have 2 races per eventday we can run the series in 10 weeks.

i would like it
I'll be in as [SR]Headbanger.
[FM]Fun! Server is open for practice (XRT).

Password: noob
I'm interested, let me know if I can be added to the list.
Just 2 spots left. Hurry up!
I would like to participate!
im in!!!
SimRacing Lithuania Team tag is actualy SRLT not [SRLT]
Quote from oldnavy :SimRacing Lithuania Team tag is actualy SRLT not [SRLT]

Mr. Kasperiunas got a point here.

The correct format [i.e. for my name] would be SRLT D. Buck!
When will you anounce race start times?
I`m afraid it would clash with my LFSCART race
20.30 UTC

Should be enough time. 2 spots left.
I dunno if i'm going to be able to make it tomorrow.
Setups for todays event:


Havoc Race Set

Plaztikman HL-Set


Karkar Race Set

Plaztikman HL-Set
Attached files
XRT.rar - 397 B - 190 views
FZR.rar - 393 B - 190 views
Setups for todays event:


Plaztikman HL-Set


Plaztikman HL-Set
Attached files
LX4_ZLX4HL.set - 132 B - 1030 views
UFR_ZUFRHL.set - 132 B - 975 views
Setups for todays event:


Plaztikman HL-Set


Plaztikman HL-Set
Attached files
XRG_ZXRGHL.set - 132 B - 1129 views
XFR_ZXFRHL.set - 132 B - 1037 views