The enduro is starting soon, 3 and a half hours from now.
That is 01:01am UK time.

00:01am GMT!
The servers are now public (server names at the bottom of this post). 10 minutes before the start of the enduro all of the insim apps will be given a reboot - which will disable the earning of further miles and will clear all miles stored in the database so far - this will ensure that everybody starts at 0 miles

When the enduro is started there will be on screen instructions. Please follow them as close as possible. If you do not understand what is going on, please wait till the end of the starting procedure to ask the questions to stop confusion.
Server names & locations:
[LTC] Enduro
UK, LTC Hosted
[LTC] Enduro 2
UK, UKCT Hosted
[LTC] Enduro 3
UK, LTC Hosted