Me and Thor have been thinking of ways to make a lot of money in Forza 2, so we have came up with this plan.
Get as much people together, put everyone in R1 cars but one of us who will be in a C class car, do a 2 lap race around the oval. The people in the R1 cars will stop at the finish line, and let the guy in the C class car win. We will let everyone do this so we can each make loads of money.
Who is up for it?
Get as much people together, put everyone in R1 cars but one of us who will be in a C class car, do a 2 lap race around the oval. The people in the R1 cars will stop at the finish line, and let the guy in the C class car win. We will let everyone do this so we can each make loads of money.
Who is up for it?