This is more of a stab in the dark question for those who are more in the know than I am about these things....
If I am not mistaken, at the moment LFS uses TCP and UDP packets. However, alot of people at the moment seem to be rather suceptible to packet loss over their broadband network, in particular UDP packets as they have no/less parity checking (correct terminology?). I am one of those people as you may have gathered from my thread in the Tech Help section.
So what I am suggesting is, is it possible to use soley TCP packets for LFS? If my quick research is correct, TCP has better protection/protocols for ensuring all data is properly sent/received.
This is probably one for all you Coders & Net Gurus out there, but to be honest probably only Scawen could answer this as it is his netcode! It was very good for me until now
I know this sounds a little bit selfish or silly to implement for such few people, but with so many ISPs overloading their networks these days packet losses will most likely become more and more apparent. Sadly I think it will only get worse in the near future as more and more people get connected and more demand is placed on the system.
So what are your thoughts/suggestions on this?
If I am not mistaken, at the moment LFS uses TCP and UDP packets. However, alot of people at the moment seem to be rather suceptible to packet loss over their broadband network, in particular UDP packets as they have no/less parity checking (correct terminology?). I am one of those people as you may have gathered from my thread in the Tech Help section.
So what I am suggesting is, is it possible to use soley TCP packets for LFS? If my quick research is correct, TCP has better protection/protocols for ensuring all data is properly sent/received.
This is probably one for all you Coders & Net Gurus out there, but to be honest probably only Scawen could answer this as it is his netcode! It was very good for me until now

I know this sounds a little bit selfish or silly to implement for such few people, but with so many ISPs overloading their networks these days packet losses will most likely become more and more apparent. Sadly I think it will only get worse in the near future as more and more people get connected and more demand is placed on the system.
So what are your thoughts/suggestions on this?