I am currently coding an application which will harness the scroll wheel of my recently got DFGT steering wheel. I intend to use a client side insim application to show 'buttons' on the lfs screen which scroll with the scroll wheel, allowing control of applications such as windows media player(while inside lfs) and i have to say i am qute excited!
Let me know what you think!
P.S this app would be useable on any controller as long as it has 3+ spare buttons.
I did originally have this in a thread in the LFS programmer forum available here: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=58587
Attached is a sample of the work but it will only work with the DFGT atm as all the button assignments are fixed, try it out!
Also make sure the DFGT is the only game controller plugged in for proper operation, this will all be remidied by the final product.
I am coming to the end of my first year at college and it is a bit of a rush so it may slow it down slightly, watch this space!!!
EDIT: you may need .Net Framework installed for it to work
Let me know what you think!
P.S this app would be useable on any controller as long as it has 3+ spare buttons.
I did originally have this in a thread in the LFS programmer forum available here: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?t=58587
Attached is a sample of the work but it will only work with the DFGT atm as all the button assignments are fixed, try it out!
Also make sure the DFGT is the only game controller plugged in for proper operation, this will all be remidied by the final product.
I am coming to the end of my first year at college and it is a bit of a rush so it may slow it down slightly, watch this space!!!
EDIT: you may need .Net Framework installed for it to work