Swine Flu
(478 posts, started )
The assistant manager where i work, his wife, who also works for our company as a countrywide sales auditer and kind of big manageress person, (and is also a family friend, asis her husband) started feeling rough on thursday, and is now confirmed as having H1N1 swine flu, and she said to me today (via phonecall) that it doesn't really feel any worse than regular flu does.

She is fairly sure she picked it up at a travel lodge where she stayed on wednesday night, but as she does probably nearly 1000 miles a week all over the country and works long hard hours, plus she works at home in the evening and sometimes into the night on her laptop,she is shattered most of the time, so she isn't really surprised she caught it.

She is sat at home quite happily with her prescription of tamiflu or whatever its called and a bit of daytime TV, and i quote what she said..

"it isn't under the best circumstances, but i deserved a decent f--king break from work, and now i have finally got one!"

Her husband, our assistant manager, is feeling perfectly ok, has tested negative for it, and is still coming to work because the hospitial said that unless he starts to feel ill, there is no reason why he shouldn't come to work.

I'm not going too close to him at the moment, im staying right over the other side of the office.
Oh well, IIRC 2 metters away from the sick person is enough for you to not get the virus
Quote from The Very End :*Calls work and tell 'em that I might got Swine Flu and most likely will be gone for a month*

Plot revealed!

good idea *walks over to the phone, calls masco...you know what you bitch i call the principal...i mean mrs. cullinane, i think i might have swine flu, or H1N1 (cough cough) oh wait, its summer
It makes good Tv though watching all the bollocks that posted all over the news.
I have not read the full 14 pages of this but it seems more and more its now being reported as yes its flu but not really any worse than normal flu. Hmmm what counts as an at risk though? I mean I get the normal flu jab as im in 'at risk' group Better start saying my goodbyes lol.

To be perfectly honest though, with the human population that we have now a pandemic will happen and will wipe out a good % of the population. Whether this comes from birds, pigs etc or just a mutated human virus who knows but with travel and population density as it is, if one person gets it, it spread so quick.
Quote from Greboth : To be perfectly honest though, with the human population that we have now a pandemic will happen and will wipe out a good % of the population. Whether this comes from birds, pigs etc or just a mutated human virus who knows but with travel and population density as it is, if one person gets it, it spread so quick.

It's a pandemic now, mister
Of course it's not worse than any other flu, that's because it's not. The only difference is this one has mutated to survive across species. Which since it mutates every time it moves from person to person, isn't all that shocking really. You know how many people died of H1N1 last year? No? Probably the same as this year.

Any idea how many people died of bird flu this year? No, because it's not splashed across the news pages this year. Probably the same as last year.

How about SARS? Nope, again probably about the same as when it was "about to go pandemic".

It's just flu. Same symptoms as regular flu, same treatment as regular flu, probably same death rate as normal flu. It's only because it has a catchy name that the media jumped on it. I bet if scientists called it something crazy in Latin with a bunch of letters and numbers on the end there'd be far less hype. This is the world your tabloid rags have created, ladies and gentlemen.

Kitten flu, that's next year. Mass slaughter of innocent kittens. Nobody is allowed to hug cats for fear of death by K1TT13. I understand the website icanhascheezburger.com is already launching a campaign of propaganda.
Quote from Dajmin :You know how many people died of H1N1 last year? No? Probably the same as this year.

Unfortunately, I can't find any countrywide UK stats for this, if you could, and the media made it quite clear how many people die every year from normal flu, it would put a VERY different spin on things.

Flu is dangerous to me, regardless of the type, even "normal" flu could kill me quite easily, I was hospitalized with it before, which is why I get the jab every year.

Am I worried about this scare?, hmm, trickey one that, yes and no, no because I know how many people die from normal flu, and yes, because I don't know just how (if at all) much quicker and easier this strain spreads vs the "normal" flu.

It is worrying that seemingly normal, healthy people have started dieing, and also that the virus is now showing resistance to anti-virals like Tamiflu etc, which means that the virus is mutating quite quickly.

Time will tell ultimately.
There's no evidence to suggest that the people who have died have no underlying health problems, since that info is never released. But even regular flu can kill people if you neglect it. Fluids are by far the most important thing, especially with the weather the way it is here in the UK right now.

I'm diabetic so I'm technically in a risk group too, but the only time I've ever had flu in my life was the year I got the jab (and couldn't walk for 2 days) so I've not had either since and had no trouble.

Fair enough though, flu is nasty anyway, no matter which strain you get. Stay home (you'd need to anyway) and even if you're puking it straight back up, you need to get liquids into you. Avoid sweet drinks, since sugar feeds infections (a lesson you learn well as a diabetic).

And the reason it's resistant to these treatments is because of the hype. People fill themselves with medication they probably don't need, meaning that they have no chance to develop a natural immune system. So then when you get it, it hits hard. You only ever get vaccinated against one strain of flu, and since it mutates EVERY TIME it jumps from one person to another, it's not actually all that useful. Obviously they give you a base version of the current infection so that your body needs to do less work, but it's impossible to stay completely immune to everything.

I'm not writing off flu injections or having the public adequately warned about it, I just object to the total overblown hype that everyone is going to die from it. The last ridiculous report I heard from the government was like a 4% mortality rate. Way to calm the population, guys. It'll never get to that. 100,000 new cases per day? Will never happen. Because then the entire UK would have had it within 2 months, and that's just stupid.

Use the media, but don't believe everything you hear because most of it is crap. I reckon they just want to cover themselves so that they can't be sued for not telling us what's going on.
Madeira has got its first case of swine flu. It came from a british girl who arrived here last friday.
In other news, 632533 cases of normal flu have been confirmed in the last 24 hours...god help us
Quote from Blas89 :It's a pandemic now, mister

Mis-understanding there I think. I wasn't saying swine flu wasn't a pandemic but that in the future there will be another pandemic that will wipe out part of the population. Look at swine flu, as a world we couldn't even contain that so what would happen if the disease has a higher mortality rate.(Even if we say 1% mortality would mean 70,000,000 people dead worldwide.)
Quote from Greboth :(Even if we say 1% mortality would mean 70,000,000,000 people dead worldwide.)

Few too many noughts there bud, that's 70 Billion. At the last count the worlds population was about 6 Billion (i.e. 6,000,000,000), so 1% of that is approximately 60 million, and to put that into perspective, it's roughly the entire population of the UK....yeh ! empty roads at last...bring it on

Anyway, apparently the current number of deaths from swine flu is more or less equal to the average number of deaths from regular flu, so it's probably a little too early to get overly worried.
Quote from Mazz4200 :...

Ooops I forgot that how it was counted as a billion (1 thousand million not 1 million million as it used to be)

Off topic slightly here but if we have downgraded a billion from million million to thousand million what do we call a million million now? Thinking about the wording though billion should be million milion (taking bi meaning 2)

Either way a pandemic of ill people isn't too bad, considering they were predicting "Z0mG everyones going to die! Teh end of the world!!11one!eleven11!!" and yet its just the flu. It annoys me when the media scaremonger like that though, oh well they will keep doing it.
Just thought i'll post this here anyway without reading the entire thread.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2 ... e_flu_outbreak_by_country


According to some sources, it could also mutate with the (normal) season flu for instance. I don't dare to predict the outcome though.

Quote from S14 DRIFT :In other news, 632533 cases of normal flu have been confirmed in the last 24 hours...god help us

Looks like growing up is not an option for you at all.
Quote from Greboth :Off topic slightly here but if we have downgraded a billion from million million to thousand million what do we call a million million now? Thinking about the wording though billion should be million milion (taking bi meaning 2)

A million million is now called a trillion, at least it is in US and UK.

We used to use those old namings, but moved over to the American system about 40 odd years ago, mainly for global finance i would guess. Johnny foreigner still uses the old fashioned naming of large numbers (as you've described). I blame the French...it's always the French

Quote from Bean0 :Warning: Tinfoil hats required...

http://www.dailymotion.com/rel ... lu-1976-propaganda_webcam

http://dogsounds.wordpress.com ... nt-to-commit-mass-murder/

Didn't they say similar stuff about AIDS, and chlorine in drinking water, and all these chemtrails, and horror movies, and pop music, and Bernard Cribbins, and...
Quote from Bean0 :Warning: Tinfoil hats required...

http://www.dailymotion.com/rel ... lu-1976-propaganda_webcam

http://dogsounds.wordpress.com ... nt-to-commit-mass-murder/

For christs sake, I've got an edgy theory for everyone... what if... ...what if our governments are actually telling us the truth ... now thats some alternative thinking for you.

There can never be such thing as an accident or a natrual occurance anymore, someone has to make absolutely everything out as some kind of clandestine scheme. People think up these 'theories' to grab a slice of the attention, you have to be a mug to believe most of them as they are usually based on some kind of random conicidence and no actual fact or evidence.

People talk of the government controlling our minds, but if this mind control does exist, it dosen't seem to work very well seeing as everyone is so desperate to 'think differently' all the time.
Quote from Bean0 :Warning: Tinfoil hats required...

http://www.dailymotion.com/rel ... lu-1976-propaganda_webcam

http://dogsounds.wordpress.com ... nt-to-commit-mass-murder/

While that is very conspiracy theory like the cia shot kennedy. I have to say, while other conspiracy theories are based on someones made up story in there head there is some un answered questions raised in that. While I do not know if they are correct if they are they are shocking. Like why was nothing done about the virus being sent out as a vacine until it killed a ferret.

While I hold that its very very unlikely I wouldn't say that its not real.
Meh.... won't affect me..
what I found funny listening to news reports on the BBC in particular was they had some senior medical guy on the other day saying the whole Swine Flu thing has been exaggerated massively by the media, it's had an unneccessary amount of scaremongering and it's distracting public attention from all the other flu-like viruses that are a lot more deadly....and then the BBC promplty ignore everything he says and continue to run it as their top story
Quote :Warning: Tinfoil hats required...

The fact the vaccine killed people could just be a f***-up on the manufacturer's part. As long as they make suure it doesn't happen again, it's all good. I don't believe the conspiracy bollocks personally.

What would have stopped swine flu is every country refusing landing rights to any flight from Mexico (before they took off obviously ) when the flu became an issue over there. Just like in the films, we missed our first chance at containment...
It's all over-hyped shit, it clearly isn't a threat to anyone. You can die from any number of illnesses, so why do they go crazy over one virus that nobody really has, they just get a cold and say to the doctors they have it, then the doctors panic. It's quite pathetic, you'd think even a doctor would know how little it will affect anyone...

Foot and Mouth and Bird Flu. What happened to them? Oh yea, people forgot about them, so that means, they aren't a problem anymore, right? It's pathetic, it's a fashion. Ow shit someone from my school has swine flu. NO, they actually don't. A hooping cough can kill you, maybe we should all shit ourselves over THAT. I bet more kids die of a hooping cough than swine flu, but a hooping cough isn't in fashion, is it?
(shaun463) DELETED by shaun463

Swine Flu
(478 posts, started )