The online racing simulator
For those who like silly horror
(10 posts, started )
For those who like silly horror

If you can't be bothered watching the whole thing it gets going at about 2/3 of the way through, but try - the build up is worth it.
#2 - Byku
OMG!!........ i didn't see it coming ... damn....

Edit. OMG the baby...
What the hell did i just watch?
#4 - Rikje
trees are taking over the world... I knew it!
#5 - 5haz
Hahah, that was some pretty black humour, I loved the music, kind of happy but ever so slightly sinister at the same time.
#6 - Gil07
That was quite werid. But quite funny.
Quite disturbing... But it the same time frikkin' hilarius!
links deaddd
Just looks like the site is down.

For those who like silly horror
(10 posts, started )