@s2knott :Well as it seems you are the most unlucky person with a fanatec wheel. I have 2 of these and not 1 has a problem what soever. The first whell i recieved was a Beta Wheel which is in use by my son now and never failed once. The one I use is from over a year old now and still works like a charm. Not 1 mailfunction or failure.
Or you are extremly unlucky or you use it wrongly I cant decide. Thats something you have to decide for yourself.
@jj72 : Indeed they ship out a lot of wheels lately and there WAS a lack of drivers. The latest drivers are working briljant. The wheels itself are build in a different country which makes it slow on delivery. Customs are always looking in about every box Fanatec sends or delivers.
Custom service can be better. Agreed on that, however since it is a small company were propably 1 or 2 people are doing the support. Remember that the total empolyees is around 7 give or take 1. So the get everything sorted up like a big company as Logitech is out of the question.
The Hardware has been tested, but again you cant expect from a small company that they stress test everything. Not saying shipping out faulty wheels is oke but something to keep in mind.
All people do is comparing the company with Logitech. You just cant as stated for the above rules. They try their best to help out. Not as fast as we all would like but they are trying to sort this out.
At last to the guy with 3 mailfunction wheels, You should be in the stress beta team. You propbably wreck them within a day.
Serious again I due hope your problems get sorted with your wheel.
@darksin, not very clever to post names and email in a public forum. You should know better. You wouldnt be very happy when you email was posted in a public forum.
Or you are extremly unlucky or you use it wrongly I cant decide. Thats something you have to decide for yourself.
@jj72 : Indeed they ship out a lot of wheels lately and there WAS a lack of drivers. The latest drivers are working briljant. The wheels itself are build in a different country which makes it slow on delivery. Customs are always looking in about every box Fanatec sends or delivers.
Custom service can be better. Agreed on that, however since it is a small company were propably 1 or 2 people are doing the support. Remember that the total empolyees is around 7 give or take 1. So the get everything sorted up like a big company as Logitech is out of the question.
The Hardware has been tested, but again you cant expect from a small company that they stress test everything. Not saying shipping out faulty wheels is oke but something to keep in mind.
All people do is comparing the company with Logitech. You just cant as stated for the above rules. They try their best to help out. Not as fast as we all would like but they are trying to sort this out.
At last to the guy with 3 mailfunction wheels, You should be in the stress beta team. You propbably wreck them within a day.

@darksin, not very clever to post names and email in a public forum. You should know better. You wouldnt be very happy when you email was posted in a public forum.