The online racing simulator
unlocking through http-over-wap proxy
i am on the internet using my mobile phone using it as a dialup modem

to access the internet i use a proxy that allows only http requests through a proxy

pressing unlock immediately says unable to connect to master server

in cfg.txt there is "Master port 29339" but nothing else about 'Master'

in fact, windows 7 says that i do not have access to the internet.
silly windows 7.
LFS doesn't use http (port 80) at all afaik.

Not entirely sure how W7/vista test for internet access, but I reckon they don't use http either.

If the proxy is only allowing requests on port 80, that's why you're having problems
i guess i *could* set it so that i get access to full internet *just* for the unlocking process, and then set it back to the free, limited, 'internet'.

oh well

edit: yeah i unlocked it

thanks for replying, degats...