Quote from Kubas1k :Nice Skin C4 WRC

That´s not your skin. HEIZER made it. There is even his name on the skinfile.
this skin has already been uploaded, so save this one and it should work
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Hehehe.. 2 fails in a row.. nice
Guys, I think Kubas was simply saying "Oh, this is a nice skin". I don't think he was claiming it as his own.

That said... Oli, you're not supposed to be circumventing the licencing system. The reason demo racers frequently request skin uploads is because that is one of the features of a paid-for licence. If you provide that service to them, there is less/no incentive to make a licence purchase. Please don't provide the service to demo racers.
sorry i was only doing it because i like the skin as well, i wouldn't have done it if i didn't like it. is this still not allowed?
Thing is, for us licenced racers, uploading skins is something many of us do often. We don't think about how excellent the feature is, and of course we don't think about how much it means to a non-licenced user to have someone do them this favour. I just wanted to remind you that it's a WAY COOL feature, but one that is deliberately supposed to be ONLY available to those who purchase a licence

[edit] However, importantly, uploading skins that you didn't create yourself and/or don't have permission from the REAL creator of the skin.. that really is socially unacceptable. Upload only skins you KNOW you have a right to share with others. And... never upload pr0n.
Quote from oli17 :true, so castu, how did you get that printscreen of the XRT with your skin?

edit: and this is the XF skins section lololololol

He could of used a skin viewer then photoshopped it into a background and XRT skins work on XRGs .
nope he didn't. He craced the game and wanna know why we know that? The background track is Aston. And that's s2 content
my subaru wrc rally skin
My personalised 08-09 wrc subaru rally skin
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There is "Print screen" button for that reason.
Quote from TexasLTU :Lol

There is "Print screen" button for that reason.

and the screenshot option in LFS (ctrl+s)
Safety Car
Hope U Like it.
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No Futurama skins, so here is one
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my new priv skin
Hello :)
At first, sorry for my eng, really

I looked a lot of skins, which are here in this topic, rather interesting, there are many really nice skins. As i see, you use for idea very often really race cars, such as wtcc btcc. So i can offer u as a new idea, russian car it`s RTCC, but some years ago it was Lada Cup.


Logo "LUKOIL" can be in english i think. Hmm, if smbd do such skin, it will be very good
Quote from vs14 :At first, sorry for my eng, really

I looked a lot of skins, which are here in this topic, rather interesting, there are many really nice skins. As i see, you use for idea very often really race cars, such as wtcc btcc. So i can offer u as a new idea, russian car it`s RTCC, but some years ago it was Lada Cup.


Logo "LUKOIL" can be in english i think. Hmm, if smbd do such skin, it will be very good

There is Skin Requests Thread for such topics, but I will try to make one anyway
ok, next time i ll choose this topic

One more request, the field where is the number, should be write in frame, the number is 14. Thanks.
hey guys this is my new HONDA EF9 skin :P stil w/o the Honda logo but skunk2 sponsor vtec sticker, tein and AEM sponsor :P
Quote from EKonrado :hey guys this is my new HONDA EF9 skin :P stil w/o the Honda logo but skunk2 sponsor vtec sticker, tein and AEM sponsor :P

Where's the skin and preview pictures?
Hi all! There is my first skin inspired by the Renault R5 Turbo 2.
Hope you like it!

Real car
how you download the skins?

XF Skins (All)
(2844 posts, started )