The online racing simulator
XFusion Racing - News
(502 posts, started )
It's allright if you guys start an own thread discussing this incredible interesting subject.
As long as you don't do it in the XFusion News thread. Thank you in advance for the respect you are giving us starting from now.

Most welcome aboard Ducky ...
Quote from hyntty :Scipy why don't you join a team first and then critisize?

no-one wants him because when he joins a team - they die. ie cyber, mercury.

it's true, i just have nothing better to do and everyone else is so bad at arguing that this was way too amusing to stop right right away :P i'm just glad that crashkart sees m point xoxo

oh and as far as whole "good team" arguments go, just give it a rest. any team for which 4-5 people on TS agree (within the first 3 hours of the 12 h race) is a MEANACE on the track and start warning you when you're about to lap them "ur approaching <team name> go REALLY wide cause u know how stupid they are" is not and prolly never will be a good team.
Congrats Duck and XFusion
I wish you good luck together!

I am wondering whats going on here in the international Live for Speed Board. Lots crazy discussions and so on...

I hope this atmosphere here won`t swap over to Germany :P
Is Xfusion forum down?

Yep, were moving to another webhotel...
Should be back up again now.
Im too late... but Gratz DUCK!
(jasonmatthews) DELETED by jasonmatthews
(Psymonhilly) DELETED by Psymonhilly
OK news update.....

after several month of talks XFusion Racing have decided to move onto greener pastures, it has been a long hard haul to keep our own sanity with all the stress of running a racing team.
We would like to thank all who have supported us in our first and only year in which we we had a good run of things, picking up best new team 08.
you will still see us around in the Sim World in both LFS and iRacing and we have had a blast running as xfusion.
good luck to all and hope to see you in the future.

sad to hear, gl in future
Unexepted, and quite sad

Gl for the future
And another one... This must be a lucky day for the [SR] headhunters Oh well.. good luck guys in the future
Great 10 months in my life! Well, we should move on, right? So, GL guys and cya on the track in near future.
Wow sad. Good luck
Oh noes.:weeping:
onoes. :hide:
(xenoa) DELETED by xenoa
Sad Banana
Oh noes That was unexpected. But good luck to all of you!
now this was unexpected :O

sad to hear this :/

and that means even more great teamless drivers :/

EDIT: alright, ignore this post, as you just rebranded your team. right.
Good luck all of you. It has always been a pleasure to work with and race against our Scandinavian neighbours.
Good luck guys, sad news.

XFusion Racing - News
(502 posts, started )