There are allways some servers to join in for some fun, no matter what time of day it is
If you living in Europe there will be most servers between 18.00-24.00 , that's at least my experience.
LFS offers great races, but you most likely will have problems in the start to keep up with the fastest drivers, but train, train and then train more and then one day you'll find yourselfe in the top!
LFS offers great fun, and it's easy to do some pick-up racing without having to registrer to 10 different sites or leagues, it's plug and play. That's probally why I have done 45 000 laps myself, because if I get a free hour, why not use it on LFS? When you have done that for the last 5-6 years that will be some amount of laps
I suggest you to read the topics in the beginner forum, while you can head down to misc. forums for additional eye candy for LFS, such as higher-res textures and such.
If there is anything we can help 'ya with, ask. Just keep in mind that search is helping much too, because I canot think of one question that has not been asked before!

But again, do not be affraight to ask!