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Rockness Music Festival 2o10
(17 posts, started )
Rockness Music Festival 2o10
Hey guys as some of you know Rockness is a music festival in the northish of Scotland.

I and several thousands of other are going but i was wondering is anyone from the forum going next year?

If so it would be amazing if we could meet up there or something.

Im thinking it will mainly be the Scottish members but i dont know, some people from England might take a trip up.

So, anyone going, cause i am
I have always been planning to go, but i might what untill am 18 to go yet, My friends that went to it says it was simply outstanding and i hope it carries on for wee bit longer so i can go to it. But they need to get some better music rather than that idiot Dizzie Rascal.
Well alot more Bands are going next year than this year so hopefully it should be better but i cant really complain about the bands this year as i enjoyed it alot.
yeah i guess so. I don't i might go depends on what the bands are. Just hope they are good next year.
If I pass my driving test. I might go. Depends on the bands to be honest.
#6 - DeKo
definetely going next year, aswell as T. was at T this year for the first time and it was utterly amazing, a good few mates were at rockness this year aswell and it was apparently class. With a bit of luck, Daft Punk will play rockness next year again aswell Obviously, some 2 many djs, justice, boyz noize and pendulum would be brilliant aswell
Will most likely head to Rockness next year, early word is that Manics are set to headline again, so will be a derfinate for me.

Will give Ned In The Park a wide berth though.
#8 - DeKo
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Will most likely head to Rockness next year, early word is that Manics are set to headline again, so will be a derfinate for me.

Will give Ned In The Park a wide berth though.

people say this, but there were hardly any fannys there this year, and they kept themselves to themselves.
Quote from DeKo :people say this, but there were hardly any fannys there this year, and they kept themselves to themselves.

Unfortunately my Boss says otherwise.
Yea apparently there are gonna be some new entrys there as well, could be interesting.
Really want to go to a music festival, is it better than Tea and biscuits in the Park for family friendly-ness?

And oh, Scots only thread!
#12 - wild
It's sounding really promising, I'd like to see who's going to be playing next year although it's a bit early just now & I'd have to see if I could get a few people to come with me.

So are you all going to meet up and have a big LFS Scottish meet-up :P
Quote from wild :It's sounding really promising, I'd like to see who's going to be playing next year although it's a bit early just now & I'd have to see if I could get a few people to come with me.

So are you all going to meet up and have a big LFS Scottish meet-up :P

Yeah I'll be up for that to be honest, it's a great venue for a festival and failing decent bands turning up.....we could try and hunt for Nessie
Good plan, now who brings the Irn Bru? All 100 litres of it?
Quote from piggy501 :Good plan, now who brings the Irn Bru? All 100 litres of it?

It's ok, the shops up here sell them....unlike those down south.

This year there was a 'Warm Beer Amnesty' were you would take an, unopened warm can of beer to the tent, and they would hand you back an frosty chilled Carling beer.......

….my mate took a 24 crate of Tescos own brand larger, and got 24 frosty chilled cans in retutrn, the cheeky sod.
They sell it here too!!!

Just you might have to raid the a few shops entire collection of Bru to have enough.
i'll bring the alcohol

Rockness Music Festival 2o10
(17 posts, started )