The online racing simulator
SVG Quick Skins and templates (Hel_SVG1 added)...
I wanted to do some templates with quick tutorials for people who need a quick skin created. Probably also give people an idea of how I usually skin, so here's a quick tutorial attached.

This started out as an inkscape tutorial, but for those who use other vector software, please take note that the svg templates will be easy to use for most available vector software such as Corel, Adobe Illustrator etc...

Please give feedback. My goal would be to later have SVG files added for all cars. If anyone wants to contribute, just dump your svg templates here.

Latest template: Hel_Svg1 Added...
SVG1 - Original design inspired by classic F1 helmets

I'll try to update this everytime I get new SVG files... Thanks to all who contribute!
Contributions and links to SVG templates...

FO8 (including the tutorials)
- Classic1, Stripe, Lig
- FO8 Skinpack using the classic templates =To give folks an idea of what they can do with it.
- Classic1
- Lig1
- Stripe1
- Classic
- Lig1
- Classic1
- Lig1
- Stripe1
- Arcor - inspired by the Arai Corsair design
- SVG1 - Original design inspired by classic F1 helmets
Logos, decals, etc.
- LFS Decals

- XRG Wireframe SVG
Contributed tutorials

lvlo provided a good link to inkscape video tutorials
#2 - lvlo
Good job

I use Inkscape for skinning too, but have a bit diffrents sheme: I have a template 1024x1024 pxs with 4 layers there: (from top to bottom) mask -> logos -> colors -> template.

The good point to use layers is when you finished part of work (setting logos for example), you can just lock layer and continue work with next part. You can't move objects on locked layer.

Usually I'm locking 2 layers from begin: template (where I import default jpg car skin) and mask (black mask in svg format which opens only visible parts of skin).

For postprocessing I use Gimp - for adding shadows to skin - just two layers there: default skin with removed default logos ("Multiply" mode and 80% opacity) and skin itself.

Yup! Same here with Gimp and the shadow kits. I was aiming at adding shadow kit tutorials but realized that it's been tackled before, and it might confuse people new to skinning and just wanting a quick custom skin.

I have more layers on complicated skins as well, such as the Formula 1 skins I did for the BF1 series. 1 for the main paint scheme, 1 for the borders, and 2-4 for the logo sets. The Red Bull cola logo on the rear Wings alone number around 20 objects locked and grouped so I don't move it around when working with other parts of the skin.

If you have svg templates you want to add, feel free to link on this thread. I'm currently finishing up the open wheelers (FBM, FOX, MRT, BF1) with the initial 3 templates I made.
#4 - Gunn
It has been a while since I played with Inkscape. Can the current version import AI files? many problems can be solved quickly if this is possible.
#5 - Gunn
Enjoy kids!

This file is untested. Feedback welcome

*all files used with permission of original author*

File removed, new version below (scroll down).
#6 - lvlo
Nice work mate! Exactly what I wanted to do for a while

Only one problem with that svg file - it cannot include raster images inside, so better to delete default skin at bottom.

UPD: I don't know about handle AI files with Inkscape, but I open ESP files without problems. So you can only try BTW, next version 0.47 will arrive soon.
#7 - Gunn
Quote from lvlo :Nice work mate! Exactly what I wanted to do for a while

Only one problem with that svg file - it cannot include raster images inside, so better to delete default skin at bottom.

UPD: I don't know about handle AI files with Inkscape, but I open ESP files without problems. So you can only try BTW, next version 0.47 will arrive soon.

The raster image seems to work fine in Inkscape.
Am I missing your point perhaps?

*4.6 does indeed handle AI files (v9 & v10) but instead I imported a WMF file and then converted it to SVG
#8 - lvlo
Yes, it works fine on your computer, but not when you're sharing file.

That image which you have import in SVG file exists only on YOUR computer. So I see white square there with message "Image not found". SVG file cannot include raster images INSIDE itself, cause in general it's just text XML file - only vector data there
#9 - Gunn
Quote from lvlo :Yes, it works fine on your computer, but not when you're sharing file.

That image which you have import in SVG file exists only on YOUR computer. So I see white square there with message "Image not found". SVG file cannot include raster images INSIDE itself, cause in general it's just text XML file - only vector data there

Ok, sweet, I'll rip it out. I'm used to handling vector files that don't have issues with this sort of thing, although it could be shortcomings of the software in this case. Thanks for the feedback.

Give this new version a try.

p.s. I tried 4.7 (beta) earlier today, it's not as stable as it could be (though neither is 4.6 for that matter :P). Inkscape still has a long way to go before it can play with the big boys.
Attached files - 662.2 KB - 396 views
Is Inkscape significantly better than

It's been some time since I last used it and I was a bit underwhelmed TBH.
#11 - lvlo
Quote from NightShift :Is Inkscape significantly better than

It's been some time since I last used it and I was a bit underwhelmed TBH.

Inkscape just different - it's editor for vector images, not raster. For me it help a lot to handle with logos at difficult shapes of car's models - RB4 is great example of it

Anyway I don't have much experience with Paint.NET cause I use Gimp You just need to try...
Yeah we used to have vector editors in my days as well what I was really asking about the array of tools that are made available for editing skins. needs some plugins to really shine but has a gentle learning curve and is powerful enough.

Paintshop or the Gimp are powerhouses, I just want some program to make decently looking skins without having to go through multi-page tutorials just for the simplest step the time and effort needed is in another league!

Guess I'll just have to try it and see for myself
#13 - Gunn
Inkscape has come a long way and shows great potential, but Corel Draw still eats it for breakfast.

I was surprised how much good development had occurred on Inkscape since I last tried it (maybe over a year ago). Worth checking out if you are one who can grasp the value of vector art, for sure.
#14 - lvlo
I just uploaded my FO8 skinpack. All of these were created using the classic template included in the tutorial, so I recommend everybody download it to see what's possible with SVG templates.

I also added my FBM Classic1 template.

Check out the samples below!
Attached images
New FBM Lig Template added...
Attached images
fbmlig prev.jpg
Attached images
fbmstripe prev.jpg
Added a helmet template inspired by an Arai Corsair helmet.
Attached images
arcor sample.jpg
MRT Classic added...
- Classic1
Attached images
#21 - lvlo
Man, you're doing a great job

What about screencast? It can help a lot for people who know nothing about Inkscape
Quote from lvlo :Man, you're doing a great job

What about screencast? It can help a lot for people who know nothing about Inkscape


I've been looking into screencasts but might not have time to. Probably once I finish my initial set of templates for all the cars.

edit: oh... and new MRT_lig template added. Check preview below...
Attached images
Finished the MRT Stripe
MRT Stripe

I also made SVG versions of the Live for speed sponsor Logos
- LFS Decals
Attached images
hel_svg1 added... inspired by classic F1 helmets. :thu
Attached images