Edit my screenshot
(2126 posts, started )
Quote from Criminal-Team :Could someone edit my screen like this ?! Please !

Here is screen :

Too much shine IMO. It would destroy the pic.
Quote from Criminal-Team :Could someone edit my screen like this ?! Please !
Here is screen :

If you want it to be good.. turn up your graphics all the way, aka turn up AF too.
Also, like said above, to shiny.. take the shot with the sky set to overcast, not clear sunny day.. that shadow will ruin the picture and is to much to 'shop out without it looking awkward.
Oh, also.. a shot bigger than 1024x768 would be really nice too..
Quote from XCNuse :If you want it to be good.. turn up your graphics all the way, aka turn up AF too.
Also, like said above, to shiny.. take the shot with the sky set to overcast, not clear sunny day.. that shadow will ruin the picture and is to much to 'shop out without it looking awkward.
Oh, also.. a shot bigger than 1024x768 would be really nice too..

AF to the max max and all graphics is to the max ! And how to get shot bigger than 1024x768 ? I have only 17'' monitor ...
Quote from Criminal-Team :AF to the max max and all graphics is to the max ! And how to get shot bigger than 1024x768 ? I have only 17'' monitor ...

17" should do 1280x760. My 15" does 1024x768
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :17" should do 1280x760. My 15" does 1024x768

what should my widescreen hdtv 19" do?
either 1080p or 720p which is 1920x1080 and 1280x720 respectively.
not bad
My 15.4" does 1280x800! Is that really a good thing?
No, 15.4s should do what my 17" is, 1440x900.
Depends when you got it at least, but even now 1440x900 is being ruled out and they're shoving like 1920x something in the 15.4s and 17s

My laptop is just over a year old, and, well, crap. Actually no, it's okay, just not very good for gaming. You can't compare it to a 'proper' computer. Here's a review btw. I picked it up because it was cheap, even now you'd struggle to find it at the price I paid. I got it for around £150 less than it is on the above site.
Quote from Danny LFS :For the happiness (or unhappiness) of you, I'm back!!

So, can someone make a wallpaper for my new monitor out of the screenshot below?

Uh, helloooooooo, I think someone forgot about this one?
(logitekg25) DELETED by logitekg25
Quote from Danny LFS :Uh, helloooooooo, I think someone forgot about this one?

too hard for me to edit sorry

EDIT: tried my horrible luck at it...can we get some more screenshots to edit please.

Quote from boxer :Here you go mate, hope you like

EDIT: Tris, just saw your effort.. It's pretty good. May i point out a few things? Good.. The blur is a bit dodgy, best way to do blur is duplicate the whole image and apply the blur filter to it a few times. Then, use the rubber, or lasso tool (if you're confident!) to delete the object you dont want blurred - this will show the unblurred layer beneathe and will give a nice overall effect. I hope to god that makes sense!

Also, there's too much noise on there.. looks really distorted and appears to be a picture taken with a 30p throw-away camera from the 1970's. Tone it down, and take away some saturation to make it stand out a little more crisp. Hope you find this constructive..


i know this is a SERIOUS bump...if that is the right term...but can you explain this a little better, i suck at editing real bad...
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(logitekg25) DELETED by logitekg25
(logitekg25) DELETED by logitekg25
logitek, take advantage of the 'edit post' button.. that way you won't have triple postings.
(logitekg25) DELETED by logitekg25
Quote from Criminal-Team :Could someone edit my screen like this ?! Please !
Here is screen :

Had a quick go, Didnt spend long
Attached images
can we get another screen shot for noobs to practice on. just think about if you want a new desktop background or not.
i will do it...will use techniques i have never learned before.
Quote from logitekg25 :too hard for me to edit sorry

EDIT: tried my horrible luck at it...can we get some more screenshots to edit please.


i know this is a SERIOUS bump...if that is the right term...but can you explain this a little better, i suck at editing real bad...

I can't really comment on the motion blur because I have no idea how to do that well. But it looks like you blurred the entire image. I would suggest only blurring the areas surrounding the car, not the car itself. Also, since the car is the main part of the image, try using the dodge/burn tool and burn the car a little bit. I normally put it at 100% and give the car one layer. Really, makes the car stand out, imo.

Quote from shashdev :I can't really comment on the motion blur because I have no idea how to do that well. But it looks like you blurred the entire image. I would suggest only blurring the areas surrounding the car, not the car itself. Also, since the car is the main part of the image, try using the dodge/burn tool and burn the car a little bit. I normally put it at 100% and give the car one layer. Really, makes the car stand out, imo.


no idea what you mean by burn :X and i accedentally blurred the car because i thought i had to burn the botom color image, instead of the b&w top image.

EDIT: oops talking about the wrong image...and wrong thread lol look 1 post down.
here you go
Attached images
Quote from XCNuse :Dinner called before I could finish.. sorry logitek lol! It's all about the details!

Smoke isn't nearly as good as I used to, but then again I only spent about 45 minutes on this instead of 5 days

lol did you edit the front wheels? it looks like they are blurred in a turning movement. looks nice none the less!
yea here's a list of everything I pretty much did:

shadow under car
shadow behind car
shadow on smoke
shadow at bottom of wall around track
shadow on helmet
shadow of wing on car
reflect mirror (not the best...)
'replaced' trees in background (simply put at least...)
light effects on evostar tyre adverts
blur on wheels

40 layers work in total.

Should've done the track but.. meh..

next! lol

Edit my screenshot
(2126 posts, started )