It was aimed at me Migz!
Lets just clarify i don't use my scooter, its been in the shed for over 6 months.
Jamie, you'll find most of the scooters out there that aren't brand new have the restrictors off, i didn't really have any choice because when i bought it, one of its selling points was it had the restrictors off and no, i had no other choice except that scooter, so i couldn't buy another. Which i wouldn't have done anyway if i had the choice.
Yeah, chav's will enevitably have scooters, like they have cars. So to put it into perspective, most of them drive a corsa or something similar, so everyone that has a corsa similar are chavs? We can't ban them from buying a corsa. So anyone who posted a picture of a Corsa in this forum would get the same shit from you that anyone with a scooter would get? Doubt it, you just like to be a big man and unfortunately for you the only people you can act a big man to are people on scooters, nice.
As for breaking the law, i couldn't really give a **** to be honest, if i get caught its my problem, i had insurance, tax and MOT. Ive not been pulled once because i made sure i didn't. You speed right? 115mph on a motorway you said, thats breaking the law Jamie, your so inconsiderate! When you get caught by speed cameras you make the governmnet think its a good ****ing idea, so then they rape our wallets to build more!!! You arsehole!
Your such a selfish road user!!!
I never said it was to cover big distances but when its the only personal transport you have, you can ride for however long you want.
You just bug me thinking your bike is the dogs danglies, its not, anyone with a proper super bike might think your a muppet too.
I sually drive in the middle of the road myself but when shes giving all shes got and some dick in a BMW decides that my rear wheel has too much tread on it and decides to try and rub it down a little for me, im going to move to the ****ing left, so the dick can go past and i don't end up in a hedge. I don't really care whether you think i shouldn't have done it but your not the one in the situation, so your point is invalid
But thats me done with riding a bike now, its too dangerous, its boring, cold, you get piss wet through and your lucky to come home with a kneecap still. Have fun!
Lets just clarify i don't use my scooter, its been in the shed for over 6 months.
Jamie, you'll find most of the scooters out there that aren't brand new have the restrictors off, i didn't really have any choice because when i bought it, one of its selling points was it had the restrictors off and no, i had no other choice except that scooter, so i couldn't buy another. Which i wouldn't have done anyway if i had the choice.
Yeah, chav's will enevitably have scooters, like they have cars. So to put it into perspective, most of them drive a corsa or something similar, so everyone that has a corsa similar are chavs? We can't ban them from buying a corsa. So anyone who posted a picture of a Corsa in this forum would get the same shit from you that anyone with a scooter would get? Doubt it, you just like to be a big man and unfortunately for you the only people you can act a big man to are people on scooters, nice.
As for breaking the law, i couldn't really give a **** to be honest, if i get caught its my problem, i had insurance, tax and MOT. Ive not been pulled once because i made sure i didn't. You speed right? 115mph on a motorway you said, thats breaking the law Jamie, your so inconsiderate! When you get caught by speed cameras you make the governmnet think its a good ****ing idea, so then they rape our wallets to build more!!! You arsehole!

I never said it was to cover big distances but when its the only personal transport you have, you can ride for however long you want.
You just bug me thinking your bike is the dogs danglies, its not, anyone with a proper super bike might think your a muppet too.

I sually drive in the middle of the road myself but when shes giving all shes got and some dick in a BMW decides that my rear wheel has too much tread on it and decides to try and rub it down a little for me, im going to move to the ****ing left, so the dick can go past and i don't end up in a hedge. I don't really care whether you think i shouldn't have done it but your not the one in the situation, so your point is invalid

But thats me done with riding a bike now, its too dangerous, its boring, cold, you get piss wet through and your lucky to come home with a kneecap still. Have fun!