Any good f1 set ups?
(24 posts, started )
#1 - nubz
Any good f1 set ups?
just woundering if anyoen has good F1 setups. Also while i'm posting a messege, Does anyone know of any tracks, liek add on tracks?
You are a demo racer?

Buy the game. Or if you own a license, please post with your licensed S2 username in these forums. Thanks.
Ouch, major burn!
Is it common for my tyres to have past their best after 4 or 5 laps?
Seems if the race is longer than 5 laps on BL GP i'm going to need a few pit stops at the moment
By no means am I any kind of setup guru being as I'm a n00b to LFS , but my own albeit limited experience has been that there are numerous reasons as to why tyres can overheat.just as there was prior to the tyre physics being updated in the latest round of what tyres are you on?When you've looked at the tyre type then have a look at your tyre pressures.Low pressures will heat the tyres up quicker than higher ones.Then theres the million or so other considerations involved such as too much/too little camber or caster , your driving style , and so on and so forth.Your best bet IMHO would be to head straight to the lfswiki which can be found at Check Out Bob Smiths Setup Guides too for loads of helpful info on all things LFS which can be found at his website here at along with some other advanced tools (which I still can't get my head round!!) all geared towards getting the cars right for how we as individuals drive them.Whilst your on this info gathering mission I reckon it's worth your time paying a visit to Team Inferno's website too and registering as a user there , not just for the setup fields but also for the plethora of hints tips and info available there too , for example a new quickfire setup FAQ which has recently appeared there which just so happens to have a solution based on tyres heating up too fast..Team Inferno's site can be found here at
I hope you don't feel patronised by my post as I can see you have over 2 years more experience with LFS than I have.I just thought it worth highlighting the above points for others new to the game like myself who read this thread and relate to the query you made in your post.. aight.!
Hmmm I thought we achieved in not giving a cracker what he wants, mission failed Thx Munker :doh:
Is there a password for the WIKI????

I just get a password prompt when going there. Any ideas???
#8 - joen
As it says on the dialogue that pops up when you go to the lfswiki, username/pass are both "lfswiki"

(tristancliffe) DELETED by tristancliffe
Quote from Tweaker :Hmmm I thought we achieved in not giving a cracker what he wants, mission failed Thx Munker :doh:

So we should all stop giving out info because there are crackers here?
Err.. no.

Quote from FredrikB :So we should all stop giving out info because there are crackers here?
Err.. no.


You don't get it do you. They haven't bought the game, they are playing the full game illegaly and asking for goodies which they do not even deserve... why should someone who hasn't even paid for the game be entitled access to all of our benefits or even granted help... period?

If people want help with their cracked copies, they should rather be sending the developers some cash for a license before shafting them and asking anyone here on the official forum for content they shouldn't have.

How would you like it if someone walking into your store, stole a bunch of merchandise.... only later to come up to you and ask... "hey, can I use your bathroom?" illepall

As for helping people on these forums, I am all for it, just ask anybody. But this is where the line is drawn, and people do agree. Heck, they should be smart enough to search... Why then should we help them on their relentless quest of being a leech?
Quote from Tweaker :You are a demo racer?

Buy the game. Or if you own a license, please post with your licensed S2 username in these forums. Thanks.

You pick on noobs, you're a bad person!... Or on the other hand maybe your right lol
Guys, guys, calm down. AFAIK, there isn't a crack for S/T/U...
As far as I'm concerned, there's no way in hell someone can get into multiplayer servers with cracked versions of LFS... right?
no, left :uglyhamme
Quote from Marty502 :As far as I'm concerned, there's no way in hell someone can get into multiplayer servers with cracked versions of LFS... right?

Why do you ask?
Probably because he wanted to know.

And I want to know, why you post this in a 6 month old thread.
#19 - J.B.
Quote from Tweaker :You are a demo racer?

Buy the game. Or if you own a license, please post with your licensed S2 username in these forums. Thanks.

Is there an official policy on this? In my view posts like this are spam.
There is no definite policy on asking for setups for cars you do not legally have access to. But it seems to me it's just common sense.

It'd be like asking a garage to trick out the car you'd just stolen.

Cracking happens, we all know it. But coming to the official forum and admitting that you do it is the most stupid thing I've ever heard of.
It's also a way to get yourself banned from the forum.
#21 - J.B.
There are authorities that deal with judging the legality or illegality of things. Having an S2-license doesn't make you part of any such authority. And forum nick names don't resemble what is known as "evidence" by these authorities.
Personally, I'd rather people report the post and keep the issue private than litter the forum with flaming remarks. There's no need for open discussion on such issues.
Quote from J.B. :There are authorities that deal with judging the legality or illegality of things. Having an S2-license doesn't make you part of any such authority.

And here are the people who do just that.

Unfortunately, they tend to deal with the suppliers of the cracking software rather than the people who use it, but you can poke round the site to see.

Any good f1 set ups?
(24 posts, started )