The online racing simulator
Thanks, Bas!

The "mirrored template" thing I think you are referring to is because the depression for the shield lift tab is on the right side of the helmet? Now that I think about it, I guess I put it over there because when I was racing karts, my lift tab was always on the right. After looking back at some pics, I realize that it was on the left and I'm completely wrong on my skins!

I shall correct them straight away! I'm getting mad...can't find a picture of the helmet I used (nor can I remember the exact name of it). It is very close to the Simpson Speedway RX:

...but without the sculpted "nose". The vents, the sculpted out dimples on the lower sides, everything is the same except for that nose....including the lift tab on the LEFT! grrrrr....

EDIT: Updated Nolan's and Ariel's helmets here:
EDIT2: Updated Daniel Buck's blue/red helmet here:
and his Brazil helmet here:
Awesome helmets You're truly skilled

I was wondering, that orange 'label' on the back of those helmets, is it included in a template or just a graphic available somewhere?
Quote from Sponge :Awesome helmets You're truly skilled

I was wondering, that orange 'label' on the back of those helmets, is it included in a template or just a graphic available somewhere?

No, I grabbed my old kart racing helmet and created it (with the help of the official Snell logo). I updated the certification to Special Application 2005, which is the current standard from Snell for vehicle racing applications (due to be updated in 2010).

The attached image is 300px wide, but i had it in that helmet at 150px wide for a 2048 skin.
Attached images
Forthest's helmet with face
Helmet of S. Buemi 2009

very nice work, Kiste!!
thank you buck.
(MaddinICE) DELETED by MaddinICE
Quote from MaddinICE :Hello Guys!
I've just made a Cell+ Helmet for me. (PS: It's my first skin..)
Later i decided to make a public version without name and flag.
So here it is!
Already uploaded @ LFSWorld and ready to use!
Have Fun (Thanks to Justin Z. for some decals!)

You could do somethihng more creative, but its good for first helmet
where to but those helmet skin files??
I don't know how to use rar file
couldsomeone tell me plz
Quote from johannestapio :I don't know how to use rar file
couldsomeone tell me plz

Download 7zip, and open the rar-file with it. Then you put the skin in your data\skins directory.
I can't seem to find the 2009 Vettel helmet ? Anyone willing to create it or point me in the right direction if it has already been created ? Thanks!
Wow being a smartass?, beleive me I tryed, that's why I put in a small request. Nevermind then...kthnxbai
Quote from TeQ NL :Wow being a smartass?, beleive me I tryed, that's why I put in a small request. Nevermind then...kthnxbai

No, he did what you asked, pointing you in the right direction.
Does any1 have the raikkonen's 2009 helmet?
thnx mate i will try

Helmet Skins
(1330 posts, started )