Here is a realistic looking crash, the top 3 all went off on lap 3. I lost it on the downhill chicane, spun (got airborne at one point) and I stupidly steered into the 3rd place car when I recovered, thinking he was going the other side. Attached files big off.mpr - 678.1 KB - 128 views
Have a go at these Attached files overhead crash.mpr - 443.6 KB - 137 views fox crash.mpr - 362.1 KB - 131 views
You should have a look at the first few turns of the first lap of this race :
treino da LFSBR huahuahauhauha LFSBR trainning session huahuahahuauhahua Attached files uhahua.mpr - 41.8 KB - 121 views