The online racing simulator
My or redline xrg car foult
(93 posts, started )
#1 - Ring
My or redline xrg car foult
Please look the replay
and comment
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ring.mpr - 531.5 KB - 290 views
It's his fault because he started braking in front of you and it's your fault because you are driving 0.1L FWD crapbox.
yes never ever ..ever brake when infront of another car !!

thats a huge nono in racing !
#4 - amp88
The XRG is quicker on the straights than the XFG plus it weighs more so it takes longer to stop. Add in the fact that patrese was in the middle of the track (therefore less than optimal entry to corner requiring a slower entry) and his braking point was OK. I don't think you (Ring) took the above into account so I would say it was your fault.
#5 - Ring
thanks for comments
but look all incident black XFG car and me stay static
XRG go left in last second no chance for me where to go
if i go left too i block black car
3 cars in speed trap point 2 XFG stays static just XRG go left
#6 - Tukko
Quote from amp88 :The XRG is quicker on the straights than the XFG plus it weighs more so it takes longer to stop. Add in the fact that patrese was in the middle of the track (therefore less than optimal entry to corner requiring a slower entry) and his braking point was OK. I don't think you (Ring) took the above into account so I would say it was your fault.

What he said ^^

Well imo that was just a racing accident, those things happens You probably got banned because of that? Well I wouldnt worry too much about that cause 90% of LFS players are banned from Redline servers anyway Just move on and find another server.
Quote from Tukko :What he said ^^

Well imo that was just a racing accident, those things happens You probably got banned because of that? Well I wouldnt worry too much about that cause 90% of LFS players are banned from Redline servers anyway Just move on and find another server.

Nope he didnt get banned for it , you get the prize for dragging up old news again

If you have anything to say ..make it factual rather that using phrases like "probably got banned" and plucking random percentages out of the air .

Otherwise your input aint required . You have a nice day now
#8 - Ring
no im not banned,the problem is the rules:NO BLOCK NO CRASH
incident with redline member he write this rules
for me its block
Quote from Ring :no im not banned,the problem is the rules:NO BLOCK NO CRASH
incident with redline member he write this rules
for me its block

Listen bud Amp88s reply , he knows what he is talking about ..

+ 2 others all saying the same this ..get over it and go race
Quote from DoC_uk :Nope he didnt get banned for it , you get the prize for dragging up old news again

If you have anything to say ..make it factual rather that using phrases like "probably got banned" and plucking random percentages out of the air .

Otherwise your input aint required . You have a nice day now

What's the prize then? You too, have a nice day

Quote from Ring :no im not banned,the problem is the rules:NO BLOCK NO CRASH
incident with redline member he write this rules
for me its block

Well there wasn't any blocking going on, he braked earlier cause he had to You didnt see that coming and hit him, nothing really special there.
lol... that´s so funny!

Opening a thread for a normal race incident on a 5 laps race at a Demo server... omg... I would like to have your time!

In this time you could have driven 3 other races...

But for you info: In my point of vie I would say it was your fault...

BTW.: I am not banned at any Redline Sever... And probably never will be...
I think REDLINE is guilty because he not sees his mirrors, and go in RINGs race line. RING has no where to go ... because it will block the other car behind him
Racing incident, Ring could have braked slightly earlyer and softer because of the traffic around , and Patrise could have stayed more to the right as he also knew 2 cars were to his left.

Ring was the driver that impacted into patrise (from behind) so if blame is needed then it goes his way.

The better driver was the black XFG of Rising who braked early enough to just drive by the 2 cars collecting each other


@Tukko, I'm pretty sure I am banned from redline (by choice from forum, as Ive never even raced there )
#14 - STF
Watching the replay closely, Rising(black XFG) started braking earlier, clearing extra room for you.
Patrese(redline XRG) dude, was watching left every few seconds, maybe he saw that extra room and figured you`ll take it.

Also, you started braking almost half a second later(360ms to be exact) after Patrese.
You didn`t modify your braking point, considering you were almost in the middle of the track; in fact, the lap before that, you started braking almost 2 car lenghts earlier. But that was with no pressure upon you.

IMO it`s a racing incident. Half your fault, half his. Could have been avoided if you were a little aware of your surroundings, anticipating, and more relaxed; or if he would`ve hold his line and start braking earlier, resulting in a slower speed and surely being overtaken on the way to the next corner.
look at the replay carefully. The black XRG (redline member) doesn't see Ring on his mirrors, and turn left , but Ring was there and..
So i think it;s patrese fault
#16 - th84
I would go ahead and ban tukko just for the hell of it!

Im behind ya redline!

For what its worth, I didnt bother watching the replay.
Quote from DoC_uk :yes never ever ..ever brake when infront of another car !!

thats a huge nono in racing !

Why not?
It's a legitimate strategy that's been used forever.

Besides, remember in LFS you have lag, you have to anticipate when someone is going to brake, by the time you see their taillights, they've already been on the brakes for nearly half a second, and that.. makes a huge difference.

However, after watching the replay, it is Patrese's fault, he got on brakes early and cut in, he is responsible for not paying attention to his surroundings, he got on brakes and turned to outside at same time, no one would've seen that coming (least I wouldn't...) if you're going to go 3 wide in a turn, keep your line no matter where the cars are, don't try and get in front of them and then cause a crash.

I give the blame on Patrese, but that could be anyone's mistake, but you should know you give the right to the people in front of you, that was a late time to try and pass and survive, he wouldn't have made that turn if he tried.

By the way, I love the rewind feature of replays now, that's totally nifty!!!!

And after putting a line down and testing his position and brake point, it would have been impossible for him to make that move, he braked way to late, he could've kept his car on the track, but he would've lost the two positions he tried to gain, so.. I still give most blame to him.

Accident.. but it is still partially of his fault.
(anyone will try and brake late and think they can pass someone and keep going fast enough around the bend.. but that never happens.)
Quote from XCNuse :Why not?
It's a legitimate strategy that's been used forever.

Besides, remember in LFS you have lag, you have to anticipate when someone is going to brake, by the time you see their taillights, they've already been on the brakes for nearly half a second, and that.. makes a huge difference.

I think he was being sarcastic
oh.. right

didn't see it that way lol good point :dunce:
I wasn't going to reply to this nonsense but Xnurse's comment about braking too late got my goat up.
I braked at 110m, plenty early to make the turn.
When did you last race the XRG ?
Besides, the simple fact i got hit from behind clears the matter and no need to further analize.
Xnurse, congratulations, you qualify as a marshall for F1, you will fit well in.
110 is not enough time to make the turn when you're on the wrong side of the track, you would have to cut over to the left like you were trying to do to make that turn, which would've extended your braking period.

I've been racing the XRG all morning by the way, but that's besides the point.

Reason you got hit from behind is because you slowed down and cut in on someone, that is both of your faults, but because you made an unpredictable move of cutting and braking simultaneously, the blame has to go on you, it's not proper to brake and cut someone like that before a turn, short braking is fine.. but cutting.. not okay.

I'm not saying you're a bad driver, you were looking over and you did have space, you had lots of space, but where you went wrong is you braked and then got over to left side, rather than the reverse order which could've saved you.

edit- Okay I just tested it again, if you were to do that turn like you were about to, it would've put you on outside of the turn and down in the 50mph or less range.
If you don't believe me I will make a replay to show you what would've happened to you.

Like I said, I'm not putting a blame on you or anything, I'm just saying.. that from that position that you were in, the take over would not have worked. It just so happens that was you.. but now you're getting fed up and think I'm hating on you, when I'm not, nor am I anyone else, I'm just stating what was happening.
XCNuse (must make sure the name is right)
unbelievable, i cut in on someone?
i was ahead, so i can take the racing line.
if this was on the way to work, on a normal road, then yes, you would have a point.
XRG0:30.470 1:08.520 1:36.070 WR-diff +0:03.27069 laps0.94% fuel20 Jul 2009, 20:13
thats the fasted you managed?
how dare you comment on my braking point!
i'm not saying im a expert on this combo, but you really aren't qualified to comment.
the reason i argue with you is that i dont think you know what you are talking about but being a moderator will give people the idea that your view carries weight.

My or redline xrg car foult
(93 posts, started )