Small bump lol..
Well, i heven't been to the docs or anything yet, but i personally feel like total shite ATM, waaaay worse than any cold or chest infection that i have ever had, i have been sweating my head off today, feel totally drained like i havent slept for days, all of me aches, and my nose and throat are on fire, not sure if i have a temperature or not, but if i breath on my own hand it feels really hot.
But, my appetite isn't affected, as i just ate 4x sausages and a pretty much full fryer full of chips with loads of gravy for my tea, although not surprisingly, i am feeling slightly bloated now!
Is this significant cause to be worried?? as i stayed at work because there was a lot to be getting on with, despite feeling progressively wosre throughout the day.
I just kept having loads of hot drinks, cough sweets and painkillers which got me through, so its not as if i am half dead cant get out of bed kind of ill, i can still do my job, just maybe a little more sluggishly and with a lack of enthusiasm compared to usual, so maybe it is just a really bad cold.
I know that if i take notice of the signs plastered all over the walls at work then i should probably stay home and hide for a week with some nice tamiflu tablets, but i really can't afford to lose at least 3 days money TBH, because where i work, if you aint there, you don't get paid, and statutory sick pay rate is just

so i think i'll take my chances for the moment, that is unless i get to the point where i cant move.