The Results are
For the Race 2 Incident on Lap 6 and Turn 4, a 30-second penalty (Equivalent to a Drive-Through) was issued to Car 51 for causing an avoidable incident. Overall, the general situation was precipitated by a lack of situational awareness on the parts of most drivers, but the cutting in action of Car 51 further boosted the incident. If he had not slid wide after trying to sneak inside, the incident would have been just a bunch of beatin' and banging. I should add, that there is such a thing as too much. You do need to be careful.
Car 21 has been Excluded from this Round. The reasons are: Lack of Situational Awareness, Causing Avoidable Incidents, Reckless Driving, Intentional/Revenge Wrecking, and Unsporting Behavior. This round will not be counted as a drop round to enforce the penalty aspect. Car 21 is also being placed on suspended one-race MMS exclusion. This suspended sentence lasts for 6 months. If at a future MMS event he repeats this behavior, he will be immediately excluded from the remainder of the round in which it occurs.
Furthermore, as per the NDR Sporting Code, when NDR admins an event as race directors, the right is given to also apply penalties in NDR territory. The exact wording actually allows NDR penalties to be enforced in the same event, but that will not be exercised here. Car 21 is recieving a 9-month ban from NDR events, which is to be followed by a 12-month probationary period following the ban's conclusion. This ban WILL NOT be enforced except NDR created and run events unless Car 21 exhibits the behavior in the MMS remaining time.