The online racing simulator
Scottish Team
(74 posts, started )
It was Zorrofox who mentioned the Ecurie Ecosse, I think that's a good name too, even though their shoes would be rather hard to fill

For a slogan, we could have "Made in Scotland, from Girders"
Caledonian Racing. i like, and Ecurie Ecosse i like also.

Okay here it is (the number can be changed easily) its a alpha/final comms and sugg welcome typhoon this is the one to render ignore the previous.

Obviously user specifics could be added (i.e. tip of nose colour changed to match drivers choice or a wee graphic added)
Attached images
Looks nice

I will get my rendering hat on when I get home - should have something up here around 6 tonight.

Caledonian Racing sounds good to me - classy. We can always add mottos and slogans and things (The Flying Scotsmen (and women), Made In Scotland from Carbon Fibre, Home is where the Haggis is, Real Men wear Skirts etc.).

Now that we have a name and the beginnings of some skins all we need is some racing!!
Hi count me in...
Quote from typhoonf1 :No probs - will do it later this afternoon after work (dont reckon the boss would thank me for running it on my PC whilst he's trying to get onto my databases!!!)

BTW - I'm from the only part of Scotland worth coming from....EDINBURGH

i am also from Edinburgh
Well guys, the car's looking great! Sponsors are all cool too. I like Ecurie Ecosse but that's a good point about maybe not being able to live up to the name. Caledonian Racing is good too. I'm not fussed as long as it's not cheesy. "Made in Scotland from Carbon Fibre" is very good. I like that!

Got to go out at the moment for my ritual 4 pints in Kirriemuir but I'll be around this evening.

Stay Cool.
I'll join the flag need flying !!!
This must be the fastest growing LFS team ever. 8 members within 24 hours!
You Scots are so lucky, I wish the Welsh had a following like you guys do.

Good luck with the team.
Put up a Cymru team topic, see what interest you get, i saw a nice welsh flag BF1 so some interest (unless it was you of course).
I have been playing for almost 2 1/2 years and this is the most scots ive seen gathered in one topic. so just goes to show it takes time?!...
Quote from jaimi :Put up a Cymru team topic, see what interest you get, i saw a nice welsh flag BF1 so some interest (unless it was you of course).
I have been playing for almost 2 1/2 years and this is the most scots ive seen gathered in one topic. so just goes to show it takes time?!...

alot of Scots are lurking behind those union jack flags anyway, i know i was until i saw you could get a saltire.
I was planning to create a Welsh team, but the amount of time and money needed for a team put me off. I also tried getting racers together for the LFS nations cup last year, only one other person was willing to race.
There is a Welsh team, I'm not too sure how active they are though. Their forum seems to be rather quiet.
Ecurie Ecosse gets my vote.

We should organise a team race at some point, so we can meet each other on track.
#39 - need
Count me in for this
Caledonian Racing sounds good to me.
Once we have a name agreed on, I can supply hosting for a team website, along with a forum on the site. I'd want someone else to handle the website design though, I'm not that good with webpage design
I could build a website if you want, been using Joomla! a fair bit recently, could be good for a team website
#41 - need
That would be good, I've not used Joomla, but I hear some good things about it, although recently I gather there is an advisory to not use the stats on it, as they can overload the server quite easily.

All that's really needed then, is to agree on a Team name, and I can get on and register a domain for it.
I'll arrange a temp site later tonight though, so you can start throwing together some ideas for the site itself.
I'd be happy with either Caledonian Racing or Ecurie Ecosse. We need a poll. Maybe the name Ecurie Ecosse is already spoken for though. Does that team still exist? Something tells me they might.
Aye, do they not run the ferrari 430's in British GT?

I know they did last season because then they still had Andrew Kirkaldy and Nathan Kinch, but they're nae in it this season so i'm nae sure.
#44 - need
That would be Scuderia Ecosse and they have Chris Niarchos and Tim Mullen racing for them this season.
OK then.

I stopped checking the forum for a few hours and it all went crazy.

Lets get round to things....

1) I think we are going to settle on Caledonian Racing as the name for the team - Ecurie Ecosse might give us some trademark issues anyway

2) The team has grown very fast - I expected 2 or 3 replies at most - all are welcome at all levels

3)need - thanks for the offer on a website - I checked and we can have - if you need anyhelp or a bit of cash to get it setup then let me know

4)kidzer - a website would be great - I have some basic skills but from the looks of it I might be busy trying to keep on top of things for a while - if you can start something I will try to supply a logo, some skins and things ASAP

5)jaimi - I have attached a render of your skin - looks good. I'm happy with that for the moment.

6)sidi - thanks man - the nations cup was fun - this should go even better!!!

7)We have a dedicated server up and running. '[CRT] Caledonian Racing Team' is on now but we are having a few problems getting it to show in the master server list. Its not private at the moment but will be with passwords passed to everyone involved - feel free to get on there now if you want (note it may not be too stable at present)

8) We are using a team tag CRT. in front of names C, T in blue, R and . in white - join the server to see an example (if lurcho is still around)

9)any problems, issues etc. post here or PM me. My wheel is bust so until my DFP arrives on Tues I will be skinning, organising and becoming my very own virtual Ron Dennis!!!

At the moment we have:

typhoonf1 - Organiser, 'Manager', General Dogs body at the mo
lurcho - Providing Dedicated Server
jaimi - Has provided our first team skin for the BF1
need - Web Hosting
kidzer - Web Design

Apologies to anyone/thing I missed - any suggestions, offers of help or demands/requests let me know. Will post/PM once the server is stable and we are ready for a full team meeting to see just how bad we are (there's a reason I skin and organise things - I'm a crap driver )

Good luck to us all and thanks everyone....

EDIT: Forgot the skin - sorry guys
Attached images
Skin looks good
Wow, fantastic work everyone. Gone from a tentative forum post to a website and dedi server in the space of a few days. Being Scottish is great!

I'm a relatively experienced web programmer, so if you need any PHP or coding work I can help out. I can write scripts for getting LFSWorld stats on the site etc... But I'm happy to also sit back and drive, let everyone else do the hard work.

Still need to get on for a CRT session at some point.
Quote from lurcho :Skin looks good

stax man for that, the render is wooow!!! love it, any one want there own colour'd nose or a small graphic, then pm me with it and i'll incorperate asap.
(need) DELETED by need
That car is gorgeous! Great work! Jaimi, consider yourself pm'ed

Consider that pm cocked up!

Would it be possible for you to incorporate the attached image on the nose?
Attached images
#50 - need
Well, the website is up and running now, although there's still a fair amount of work to be done on it.

Scottish Team
(74 posts, started )