The online racing simulator
#526 - Dru
A few action shots,

The Pits - A Calm before the Storm
The Grid

Bob concentrate on the guy infront - not the ones behind you!
naughty naughty

Look at the Apex not the Camera Passo!

One very sideways Dutch LFS Developer

Also a glimpse of the fastest man on the day around the track.

The Stig came out on the track - interestingly enough it happened when Franky500 disappeared for 10 minutes

+1 to thanks for the SR Guys to organising the whole thing and looking after us all so well

Also Adam and I were paired up with Boothy and we had a great time, managed to get a fine second place in the Mini Enduro - feel guilty that I spun a few times in my stint now
I just got home, and can barely type this as i am suffering from post-karting shaky arm syndrome, plus every other part of my body hurts! :sick:

Nevertheless, i don't care about the pain lol, it was well worth the suffering, despite my slowness, i totally enjoyed it all, plus becky trying to teach me the error of my ways, such as me riding the left pedal all the way round in the first 20 minute stint so when becky got the kart it had no brakes and a slippy clutch :o

The second kart we got was a dream to drive in comparison, and in the first half hour stint i only lost us about 2 or 3 laps as opposed to the 10 or so i lost us in the earlier shorter session.

The 2nd half hour session was also fun, but alot harder work as i got to the point where i had to go slower simply because i couldn't turn the wheel quickly enough because of being totally knackered, and i had also been brake riding again, which resulted in me having to cool them down for a few laps, which was also the cause of me spinning myself, hitting the tyres, driving through the gravel and vague driving, i was SO tired lol.

Meeting everyone was good, as it's nice to finally meet people who i have spoken with online before, to put a face to the name so to speak, finally meeting a developer was cool, plus the 2 night p!ss up wasn't half bad either! :drunk:

Also, a massive thanks to jason for organising everything and putting us all up at his (EPIC!) house, thanks mate!
just got back in now... Bloody london! !

FTP incase people who took photos need space to upload on:

ftp://[email protected]

username: [email protected]
pass: wales

Feel free to upload all videos and pics.

Will catch up with you all later... i need the pub
Quote from CSF :What the hell is Passo doing in that second picture? :drunk:

I realised that it was futile to avoid the 'champange' deluge, so I decided to make the most of it. Boothy compared me to the kids that stand in front of the BTCC podiums when they're spraying their bubbly.

An extra thanks goes to Dru for putting up (with) and picking up me and Adam and letting us use his house for sleep. What's more, he even made a stirling breakfast!

I'm about to go through my 4 DVDs (2 hours) of footage. I reckon I was able to catch about 3 or 4 spins and some gravel trips. I'm looking forward to seeing brood's (I think?) helmet cam stuff.
had a great time thanks guys
The funniest part of friday night was bob smith attempting to ban franky500 from the forums for a laugh while franky was sat next to him, (he was obviously going to unban him straight away if it worked) which the forum wouldn't let him do, the error message he received when he tried was absolutely hilarious.

I can't remember the exact wording of it but it was damn funny!
I believe it was 'you can only ban normal people'.
I think it was something like that now you reminded me, i think it went...

"the person you are trying to ban does not appear to be normal"

EDIT: i know it's a bit sad lol, but i am currently looking at an aerial drawing of the kart track and trying to replicate it as a layout for the MRT on the BL carpark, this will take a while, i'm not good at barrier alignment.
Had a fantastic time this weekend. It was great to finally meet some of my old racing mates and everybody else as well. I was a bit worried I would completely crap as it was my first time karting but after the a bit of practice I think I did pretty well.

A huge thanks to Jason for giving us a home for two days and doing a fantastic job of organising this meet along with the rest of the SR guys. Also, well done to Brood for catching the epic 4-car crash on his helmet cam, we had a good laugh watching it this morning!
Quote from Becky Rose :

...and it turns out it was Michael/MP3 Astra who spun infront of me...

Yes, I did spin in front of you but that was because of someone else spinning in front of me. I cushioned the blow for that person! We still don't know who the mystery driver who caused the crash was. Whoever you are, step forward now!
Wow - great weekend, I'm sure everyone will agree.

Thanks again Jason & co. for all your efforts in organising the whole thing. I know a lot of effort was put in & it was much appreciated. Impressed that you even managed to sort the weather!

Nice to meet everyone too, rather than just reading all your forum spam.
Yeah, mystery driver spun infront of you, you gave him a tap trying to avoid him, Becky did likewise to you and then Adam locked up trying to avoid Becky and slammed into her completely sideways. It all makes a bit more sense when you can see the video.
Can we have group shot with names please? :P

Yeeeaaaah, awesome CR shirts.
Quote from count.bazley :Yeah, mystery driver spun infront of you, you gave him a tap trying to avoid him, Becky did likewise to you and then Adam locked up trying to avoid Becky and slammed into her completely sideways. It all makes a bit more sense when you can see the video.

My recollection is getting two hard impacts after coming to a standstill, so I think whoever was following the driver with the helmet cam slammed in too - still carrying some mommentum, and that's probably what wrecked my kart as the impact was very hard.

Whilst it's a shame because I was going pretty quick and was slicing through the traffic better than Michael and was confident I could hand over in the lead, the souvenir piece of kart does look very good on my fireplace .
And for those that haven't seen it, here is becky's trophy!
Attached images
Looks like everyone had a great time. When does the planning start for the first anniversary meet?

Quote from jasonmatthews :A few pics attached.

Victory Photos from race 1 & 2

And All the karters

Bit of a "Shoop da whoop" moment from Passo there. Could we get a who's who of the picture of everyone please so we can put names to faces?
Sure will do when my pc gives me my net back from uploading 3gb of pics
#543 - Dru
Quote from Becky Rose : I was going pretty quick and was slicing through the traffic better than Michael

Schumacher? or Passingham?
Quote from Dru :Schumacher? or Passingham?

Many people have compared us. We are the greats of our respective fields.
Wow, must have been great day, good photos too.
Can i has NAMES pls?
Passo's the dude holding the camera
Becky's the dudette at front middle
Is Victor the dude with the long hair?
Bob is the dude holding the welsh flag
I assume the guys in the CR T-Shirts are Dru and Adam?

The rest I have no idea

Anyways I hope to join you all next year
Victor is the guy wearing sunglasses in the middle row, without the hat and without the CR t-shirt.
Quote from J@tko :Passo's the dude holding the camera
Becky's the dudette at front middle
Is Victor the dude with the long hair?
Bob is the dude holding the welsh flag
I assume the guys in the CR T-Shirts are Dru and Adam?

Well d´uh mr obvious, we all know them. How about the rest? Is that old guy next to Adam actually LFSer? :P

Dru (Justin like his mom calls him) is the Jamie Oliver looking guy btw.
Quote from Dru :Schumacher? or Passingham?

Schumacher would have given me a problem - as he would have cheated or crashed into me to hold back my charge... Oh wait, so did Passingham .
The old guy is Jasons dad macker. I've tagged the 4 people in our team for the day.
Attached images

LFS UK Karting Meet 2009
(652 posts, started )