The online racing simulator
I'm so tired I can barely type. I had a work karting event today and barely made it after an evetful journey home. Nige got a puncture after a few miles and we discovered that his wheel nut spanner was missing. I managed to use brood's toothbrush to release the wheel, only to find that it was bald. A friendly RAC man and a quick trip to kwik fit followed (now I know why they are called "kwik" and not "quick" - we gave up and went home on the bald tyre). Just made it to the karting event which was only a fraction as enjoyable as yesterdays.

It was an amazing weekend though - loved every minute of it and it was great to meet some of you at last (it will be interesting to see the labeled photo as I didn't know the forum names of many of the people I spoke to.)

Thanks again Jason and SR for putting on such an fantastic event and for your generous hospitality. The amount of effort put into this was clear to see and the organisation was spot-on all weekend.

Sorry if any of that doesn't make sense my brain stopped working a while ago. Will post some photos tomorrow.
Quote from peterules :The old guy is Jasons dad macker. I've tagged the 4 people in our team for the day.

Damn you! lol
Quote from mcgas001 :Damn you! lol

lol Maybe this one you might like better....
Attached images
Quote from peterules :lol Maybe this one you might like better....

HAHAHAH! I saw krslim take that photo, just before you pulled away from me!
It would have been a fun journy back if i still had my civic with the same engine! But still Lisa's Micra did the trick ok
I wasnt too far from home when you took that pic too. Was a great day tho...had such a laugh..
Quote from mcgas001 :I wasnt too far from home when you took that pic too. Was a great day tho...had such a laugh..

Urrff!! We still had to go through London and that stupid bus lane on the motorway... arrgghh! haha! It was a good day! Maybe we should do a mini kart meet for the londoners and surrounding counties
Quote from Kid222 :Can i has NAMES pls?

I'm too tired and sore to start photoshop but, working left to right...

Bottom row: KayJay, Joe_Keaveney, Kiyoshi, Becky Rose, danthebangerboy, felplacerad, brood, Dru
Middle row: Boothy, mcgas001, count.bazley, JasonL220, nihil, Andrew Lovett, jasonmatthews, Victor, Franky500, maker, adamlfs
Top row: peterules, Mackie The Staggie, krslim, ferret, Bob Smith, [SR] Pablo, pswillies, [SR]keith, nigelpm, tongey, Nick A, Mp3 Astra
Quote :Bottom row: Ken Oaten, Joe Keaveney, Kiyoshi (Ed), Becky Rose, danthebangerboy, felplacerad, brood, Dru
Middle row: Boothy, mcgas001, count.bazley, JasonL220, nihil, Andrew Lovett, jasonmatthews, Victor, Franky500, maker, adamlfs
Top row: [SR] Pete, Mackie The Staggie, krslim, ferret, Bob Smith, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, Passo (mp3 Astra)

Bottom row: Ken Oaten, Joe Keaveney, ??? (Ed), Becky Rose, danthebangerboy, felplacerad, brood, ???
Middle row: ???, mcgas001, count.bazley, JasonL220, nihil, Andrew Lovett, jasonmatthews, Victor, Franky500, maker, ???
Top row: [SR] Pete, Mackie The Staggie, krslim, ferret, Bob Smith, ???, pswillies, ???, ???, nigelpm, ???, Nick A, mp3astra
Quote from Bob Smith :I'm too tired and sore to start photoshop but, working left to right...

Bottom row: Ken Oaten, Joe Keaveney, ??? (Ed), Becky Rose, danthebangerboy, felplacerad, brood, Dru
Middle row: Boothy, McGas, count.bazley, JasonL220, nihil, Andrew Lovett, jasonmatthews, Victor, Franky500, maker, adamlfs
Top row: Pete, Mackie The Staggie, krslim, ferret, Bob Smith, [SR]Paul (Pablo), pswillies, [SR]keith (?), nigelpm, [SR]Tongey, Nick_A, Mp3_Astra

I'll add in the rest of the names as I remember or people correct me!

Not sure about the exact LFS names of some.
Now we have four different versions. It's like a jigsaw made of words and a picture.
Live for speed! Live for speed!! lol!

Ok I think i'm spamming too much now! eeeek
The one with the ? Is [sr] kiyoshi, lfs username kiyoshi, real name ed
Thanks folks, I merged in your updates, when I worked out which bits you'd actually changed. Nothing like red pen highlighting to make edits clear...
Thanks, at least i have brief idea, who could be who.
LOL now I know everyones names So many peeps to remember!

Great weekend though. Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow as I'm still aching...... a lot!
LFS usernames

KayJay, Joe Keaveney, kiyoshi, Becky Rose, danthebangerboy, felplacerad, brood, Dru
Middle row: Boothy, McGas001, count.bazley, JasonL220, nihil, Andrew Lovett, jasonmatthews, Victor, Franky500, macker, adamlfs
Top row: Peterules, Mackie The Staggie, krslim, ferret, Bob Smith, [SR] Pablo, pswillies, [SR] keith , nigelpm, Tongey, Nick_A, Mp3_Astra

In game names

[SR] KayJay, [ICON] Joe, [SR] Kiyoshi, [SR] Becky Rose, Mr Barcrest!, FLP/r FEL, brood, CR|J.Parker
Middle row: Boothy, McGas001, SRS CountBazley, [SR] J Lovett, nihil, Andrew Lovett, [SR] Turkey, Victor, [ATC]Franky500, macker, CR|Twinflow
Top row: [SR] Pete, SRS Mackie The Staggie, krslim, [SR] Mark, Bob Smith, [SR] Paul, vMaxPaulW, [SR] keith , nigelpm, [SR] Tongey, [XOR] ((Onion)), SRS Passo

Some of the ingame names I am not sure about, but I have done my best
Quote from franky500 :just got back in now... Bloody london! !

FTP incase people who took photos need space to upload on:

ftp://[email protected]

username: [email protected]
pass: wales

Feel free to upload all videos and pics.

Will catch up with you all later... i need the pub

It's run out of space I think Dean
#570 - Dru
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Now we have four different versions. It's like a jigsaw made of words and a picture.

its more like a game of Guess-Who
(1993weeman) DELETED by 1993weeman
Finally I'm back home (pretty sure even Victor and Felpacerad got back home before I did) and despite the obvious aches and pains I really enjoyed the weekend.

First of all, big thanks to Jason, Mark and all SR members involved for organising the weekend, also kudos to Jason for allowing an untamed and potential crazed individuals to crash at his for a couple of nights.

Secondly it was great to meet with familiar faces from the last year, and new faces this year, and was great fun to chew the fat with all of you...although I think my patter in the early hours of the morning may have been sub par.

The racing was great, competitive and fair. Enjoyed the karts and the busy track, although after a while the arms were saying otherwise.

Obviously not everything goes to plan, and the weather I think caught a few out......I mean who would have thought we would be in danger of getting sun-burnt in Wales :schwitzalthough considering I'm Scottish and half ginger I was no 1 candidate for it yesterday)

Overall I had a great time, really enjoyed myself. The travel is a hassle but totally worth it and will look forward to next years event regardless of location.
Had a phone call from the Kart Centre, apparently some clothes have been left behind, and also someone left a rollmat in my house. If you think you have lost some clothing let me know. I will pick them up as soon as I can, and will post them to you if they are yours I will post photos of the clothes when I get them.
Quote from franky500 :just got back in now... Bloody london! !

FTP incase people who took photos need space to upload on:

ftp://[email protected]

username: [email protected]
pass: wales

Feel free to upload all videos and pics.

Will catch up with you all later... i need the pub

Cheers - although we're receiving an over quota error message now

Also, do you have a read only url to give out?
Quote from KayJay :Cheers - although we're receiving an over quota error message now

Also, do you have a read only url to give out?

I took a swag (Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess) and typed into Firefox, and it shows it.

Should indeed be all of it

<---- i was the random who turnt up after the kart meet xD

i hate work buuuh

enjoyed meeting you all xD watchin the vids last nite n this morning was awesome. some great action from the helmet cams and trackside cams. im deffo gonna go next time xD screw work lol

LFS UK Karting Meet 2009
(652 posts, started )