The online racing simulator
#26 - RS1T
Quote from Shadowww :
4. Layout with OVER 9000!!111 objects which made me pray for 5 fps

Shadow i seem to remember insulting some of my edited pictures as my computer didn't have the capacity to antialias them properly. I said that not everyone can afford a gaming PC, and you posted your specs, which were a lot better than mine. How is it that when i'm on the server i get fine FPS?

Now your just making up utter bull**** to support your pointless flaming.
Quote from RS1T :Shadow i seem to remember insulting some of my edited pictures as my computer didn't have the capacity to antialias them properly. I said that not everyone can afford a gaming PC, and you posted your specs, which were a lot better than mine. How is it that when i'm on the server i get fine FPS?

Maybe because I that was half year ago when I was using notebook?

Stop crying, kthx.
Sorry mate, but no one has cried as much as you did in the past few months... Damn this thread made me laugh... Too bad i havent discovered it sooner.
Quote from Disposable :Sorry mate, but no one has cried as much as you did in the past few months...

Yes someone did.
@Shadowww: I always only read spam in your post... omG.
Quote from fireb0llch :@Shadowww: I always only read spam in your post... omG.

You are doing something horribly wrong then.
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM
Bump and jump FTW!!!
Quote from MariusMM :Then I must be doing something horribly wrong to

I don't see anything useful in posts like "OMG ZOMG Shad0ewww spamzzs1111", can you all stop it please?
This silly little thread has the potential of becoming a serial killer.

Just... stop with the useless flaming of "XXX is only spamming" and etc.. I do believe that Shadow did explain the situation in some of the 1st posts, and no matter if the information was false or not(I do not say either one), it still was not spam. But every post saying "All XYZ is doing is spamming"(or similar), personally I think is spam, since you can't really prove it, and even if most of his posts are spam(not saying they are) this still isn't "all he is doing". And if only thing you have seen from him is spam then you really are doing something wrong and that is - not reading all replies before replying yourself with some argumentless(is there such a word? xD) messages. Didn't mean to offend anyone.. That's just my point of view.

Edit 1: Gah, this thread made me forget why I came into this forum in 1st place. Going to make my dt penalty bug report now.
Edit 2: Someone already reported it.