The online racing simulator
Quote from MAD3.0LT :nope i only read the first post and if he has made his life better congratulations but my post was in ONLY in reguards to the first post

I think I know this poster from a previous thread and I think he maybe retarded (i.e. have learning difficulties), so the mods should probably close this thread.
I tend to drink only if

1. I am on the computer
2. at home
3. If i goto the shop and buy some .?

If i go away on holiday for 2 weeks, i dont drink at all
If i go out for a meal, i normally drive and dont drink at all.

Very strange

Quote from Mikjen :If i go away on holiday for 2 weeks, i dont drink at all
Very strange

That's because you live in Bolton. You need drink to live there. :duck:
#79 - 5haz
You know you have a drinking problem when you get so drunk you lie on the floor and you keep falling off.
Quote from Mikjen :I tend to drink only if

1. I am on the computer
2. at home
3. If i goto the shop and buy some .?

If i go away on holiday for 2 weeks, i dont drink at all
If i go out for a meal, i normally drive and dont drink at all.

Very strange

Almost the same for me, I only drink when I'm at my computer or if i'm out and I know someone can take me home, if I can't be driven home then I just have a few cokes. I used to drink on average once every 3 nights, not that I can call it an addiction, I always seemed to get really drunk, but over the years I've lost the sort of 'need' to drink, I just remember the rediculous hangovers I used to get after drinking that much and I just think it's not worth it, so that's why I stopped drinking so much, that was enough reason to get me off it. Now i'd consider myself just an average drinker, maybe one or 2 drinks a week, if that.

But anyway keep it up Dan, looking good
Quote from niall09 :lal, I'd love to see you going into a pub in Ireland

I don't drink any alcohol anyway.
What then, do you bathe in it?
Well, sigh, it has crept back in again, and without hardly even realising it i have 6 empty cans around me.

I was drinking only at the weekends for quite a while but i went back into the mentality of one won't hurt in the week will it, and it didnt really, but i know it does in the long term because i seem to crave it, especially in the evenings, as i never drink early in the day, ever, i dont start until about 9pm or later, and i don't drink loads, as 6 beers isnt a very large amount as oppposed to those that polish off bottles of spirits every day, but im angry at myself as i now cant sleep again without it.

Time to reverse the process again then.
Just try to stay away from it.
Get yourself nice beerful weekends, but limit your alcoholic use on weekdays as low as possible.
Try to limit the amount of beverage available when you're at home and such.
Quote from danthebangerboy :Well, sigh, it has crept back in again, and without hardly even realising it i have 6 empty cans around me.

I was drinking only at the weekends for quite a while but i went back into the mentality of one won't hurt in the week will it, and it didnt really, but i know it does in the long term because i seem to crave it, especially in the evenings, as i never drink early in the day, ever, i dont start until about 9pm or later, and i don't drink loads, as 6 beers isnt a very large amount as oppposed to those that polish off bottles of spirits every day, but im angry at myself as i now cant sleep again without it.

Time to reverse the process again then.

6 beers is quite and amount, I would say that 2-3 beers is acceptable to drink wen you feel for it, but if it's a 6 pack it's much.
It's hard trying to go against the crave for things, but I hope you'll mange it mate
If you ask that question to yourself, then yes, you definately do. IMO.
Not really, people sometimes see's their problems before they actually is a problem they canot handle. It shows willpower to admit the problems and face them head on.

That's at least how I look on it
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Quote from The Very End :Not really, people sometimes see's their problems before they actually is a problem they canot handle. It shows willpower to admit the problems and face them head on.

That's at least how I look on it

He already had the problem once, thought he "solved" it but it came back.

That sounds like a VERY BIG problem to me.

But maybe I'm just too harsh because I don't drink alcohol myself.
By all means you have the right to question it, but if someone tries to confront their problems and tries to sort it out, it looks like some willpower. This however, needs to be backed up by actually actions, not just words, but if he takes actions and does what he can we can't blame him

It's like the people that are fat, the smokers etc.. we are not allike anyone else, and we're all built togheter differntly, but in the end we have to take responsebility and not just search for reasons to justify the problem.
Try to go a limonade bar not beer bar
DRRRAGGG That, is the sound of me pulling this thread up from the vast depths of this forum, but its for a good reason, it seems as if i have won the battle somewhat.....

Due to situations beyond by control which are very complex, i shant go into detail about it because to be fair it would most probably bore the arse off of most of you if i elaborated any more, theres 1 or 2 from here that know the 'score' so to speak (klutchy and princess bexter ) but yeah, i basically hardly ever drink very much at all now compared to how i was.

I occasionally have literally 1 can of bitter of an evening sometimes, maybe twice a week if that, due to the aforementioned reasons i need to be able to drive at any given time, day or night regardless, hence the cutdown, and my god i feel so much better for it!
That's a good news
and what i have noticed lately: the less i drink the less i feel need for it .
(DarkTimes) DELETED by DarkTimes
Good work Dan, I'll soon follow the club when I'm been raped, sober and out of the military
Nice to hear Dan, after all, the women don't like a boozer! So you'll be quid in when it comes to a girl really getting to know you, that's one less vice for her to get pissy about hehehe