Joystick and Mouse Control?
(21 posts, started )
Joystick and Mouse Control?
Hello guys,

I am fairly new to LFS, I tried it a while back... hated it. Now, I downloaded the S version demo a week ago, started the Training, got pissed, deleted it. Couple days ago, I downloaded the newest version (U) and am enjoying it, very cool game. I have no wheel and pedals, now, I loose time on the turns because I cannot apply the proper throttle with the XRT Turbo, If I try anything fancy Ill spin out and start muttering. However, as in a real RWD car, when your wheel is barely twisted you can apply throttle without spinning out, although gotta be careful. Anyway, I got an idea, I love driving with the mouse (now that I have gotten used to it), and realized I have throttle control on my logitech joystick, and was thinking of this setup;

(5 button Microsoft Mouse)

Left Mouse: Gear Down
Right Mouse: Gear Up
Side Button Big: Clutch
Mouse Axis: Steer
Joystick Throttle: Acceleration/Braking
Joystick Button: Handbrake

However, jumped into the options, and apparently, I can only use a KB/Mouse or Wheel/Joystick config... anyway to mixmatch the two so I can achieve the above? Also, any way to lower the mouse sensitivity? I find myself steering out of a corner catching a light drift and countersteering too bloody hard and start drifting and sooner or later if I have not regained control of the car I end up doing a 180 to reverse and J-Turn...

Also, I find it quite enjoyable to do 360's, 180's to reverse and J-Turn out or 180 Boomerangs... anyone else? Not alot of the games actually let you do this, and if they do, it's too bloody simple... I like the method of Handbrake, twist wheel, switch to reverse, reverse the wheel, hit the gas, straighten wheel hit drive...

Ohh and, how come whenever I hotlap or play a singleplayer game the replay is not recorded? Is this a restriction within the demo?
#2 - SamH
When I first got the LFS Demo, I actually found the joystick was a good alternative to a wheel. Using combined axes, you can control the car very well, left and right, and using forwards and backwards as accelerator and brake. Two fire buttons for changing gear, and you have all the control that most wheel users have. Try this and see what you think?

Replay saving is permitted in the demo. Look in Options > Game. The first few options are where you need to look
Cool, will try, also will try Joystick Left and Right, and Throttle... Fire button clutch, and since I got 4 buttons up top, Up Gear Up, Down Gear Down and left and right for looking, thanks for the tip, making my own skin now , I am a graphic designer after all.

Ohh and, is there any way to pick your set up? I am used to seeing the tip of the hood of the car when driving... so I can tail someone and know when I am actually going to rearend him.

EDIT: Okay, Ive tried my original setup (yes its possible Ive just realised after a long sitdown) and I tried your suggestion, none were working for me. Steering with the Joystick itself is bloody weird, also, if I use the throttle control thing where up is gas and down is break, it's very hard for me to do that braking technique, the ABS imitation thing, and the truth is, that slows you down about 60% then just holding down brake, the best setup for me now is the mouse and keyboard, allthough I can't use the gas to it's full potential, I will live... when I was switching my controls around to use the joystick, you would've thought I've never played this game.
I also will never understand why you guys dont buy a freaking wheel if you are able to fully use it. Even the small 10 bucks wheel which sits on your knees is better then keyboard . And in the states you can get a MOMO I hear for 99$. Here you still have to pay a good 150-170$ for one. illepall
I will get a wheel, as soon as I move back to the city, now Im with my parents here in Pennsylvania, Im orignally from New York City, and before that, Poland. Just helping them renovate their newly bought house, I don't even have that much time to sit on the computer, just at nights. Not too late either cause we wake up at 8.

Damn, sorry for double post, speaking of wheels, which is THE best one to get? Logitech Driving Force Pro for the PS2 has a 900 degree turn, which is like in a real car, does that work with PC also?
yeah it does work. Either this one or the MOMO. I really dont miss the 900 turning on my MOMO and even ordered a Red momo yesterday also instead of the 900 turning one. I like the momos because they look like real wheels and dont have the playstaion thing controllers build in and I dont even use the full turning on this one

btw. does the PRO really turn for 900? As I read somewhere that it only uses driver optimization to reach that turning so not sure which is now true. Hardware turning 2 times around or not?
Well right, don't really care about that, lets put it this way, when driving in 1st person mode, I want my wheel turning exactly like the one in the car, and blocking exactly at the same time the guy's in the car does... or is that just removing dead zones?

Also, voila, took me some time, but most if it was just getting the idea:

Qoute from Logitech Website:

Sony and Logitech changed that when Gran Turismo 4 and the Logitech Driving Force Pro were born: both products were the first to offer in-game and hardware-based 900° turning radius support. After the resounding success and critical acclaim of both Gran Turismo 4 and the Driving Force Pro, other game publishers began creating titles for the PlayStation with 900° turning radius support. The rest—at least for the PlayStation gaming community—is history.

End Qoute.

Which means, that the wheel itself will actually turn 900°, however, the game itself must support it, now the question is, whether LFS would support a 900° radius. Has anyone tested this?
All pc games support it. In playstation a normal wheel turns 180°, and you can't calibrate it for more. On a pc you can. So don't worry about that warning. On a playstation it needs to be enabled, on a pc it doesn't. You do need drivers for it, we'll help you further once you're in that stage.

LFS has a slider for wheel rotation, it goes to 900°

I only use 900° (I don't drive the F1 car, so I don't have any trouble with it). People sometimes say I'm nuts doing this, but I'm used to it, and I can handle it, and I have fun with it.
Quote from ElShotte :I am fairly new to LFS, I tried it a while back... hated it.

WOW, what!!!!

Anyway Since were on the subject of mouses and wheels and stuff, i've been a mouser ever since i've had LFS, stories i've heard saying wheels are much better than mice(which they are cos mice are crap) I really want one.

Does anyone know where I can get a good PC racing wheel, preferably from a SAFE, english online store, or, for anyone who lives in the UK, a shop in England
the wheels in LFS cars turn max 720°, I think.

I have a logi pro but I diot use the 900°. I adjust the wheel to the angle of that car which I'm driving

But if the price tags on this start at $94 and the MOMO's end at $95, Id rather get this. You never know, maybe S3 will be super realistic with kick ass graphics... next thing I need is a 30" widescreen LCD and Im off...
Quote from ElShotte :Yeah,

But if the price tags on this start at $94 and the MOMO's end at $95, Id rather get this. You never know, maybe S3 will be super realistic with kick ass graphics... next thing I need is a 30" widescreen LCD and Im off...

Where can I get one of those LCD's for 100$?
I dont even turn the wheel that much as F1 drivers in really tight corners. Since coming from Nascar I use to turn it there not much more then 30 degrees lol. When I turn it 90 on a road track its already alot for me.
Honestly there are no tracks where i use that much turning maybe AS Club in the last corner but thats the max.
so a 900 degrees wheel wont do any good for me...
Sawyer, think of it this way, you turn it 30 degrees on a wheel does 200, its like turning it 135 on a wheel that does 900 degrees man.
Quote from sgt.flippy :Where can I get one of those LCD's for 100$?

Ya can't, I was talking about the Driving Wheel, LCD's now I gotta say are pretty cheap, you can get a decent 19" for ~$300, anyway, I got my friend to try LFS, he says its good, but quite a few things are missing, the sense of speed he says is poor, and so are the sounds. And I believe he knows, he's a race car driver.
I was kinda being ironic, I know those screens are about 300$, but for a good one you'll need to spend some more. But if I can dream, I just want a 80cm LCD TV, so I can watch tv on it, and play lfs on it.
Quote :Does anyone know where I can get a good PC racing wheel, preferably from a SAFE, english online store, or, for anyone who lives in the UK, a shop in England

If you don't trust online stores, or can't wait for it to be delivered, or simply want somewhere you can quickly take it back to when it all goes horribly wrong... then you can buy the Logitech Momo for £79.99 at your local Comet shop.
Quote from ElShotte :Sawyer, think of it this way, you turn it 30 degrees on a wheel does 200, its like turning it 135 on a wheel that does 900 degrees man.

That would mean I have to turn it 135 to get the same effect as with the momo. But I dont want to turn it that much. Dont wanna hurt my back
Quote from Sawyer :And in the states you can get a MOMO I hear for 99$. Here you still have to pay a good 150-170$ for one. illepall

I just bought one (in the states) for 77.99. It came out to 92.74 after shipping, no taxes either illepall.

EDIT: it was a driving force pro
Quote from ElShotte :Hello guys,

I am fairly new to LFS, I tried it a while back... hated it. Now, I downloaded the S version demo a week ago, started the Training, got pissed, deleted it. Couple days ago, I downloaded the newest version (U) and am enjoying it, very cool game. I have no wheel and pedals, now, I loose time on the turns because I cannot apply the proper throttle with the XRT Turbo, If I try anything fancy Ill spin out and start muttering. However, as in a real RWD car, when your wheel is barely twisted you can apply throttle without spinning out, although gotta be careful. Anyway, I got an idea, I love driving with the mouse (now that I have gotten used to it), and realized I have throttle control on my logitech joystick, and was thinking of this setup;

(5 button Microsoft Mouse)

Left Mouse: Gear Down
Right Mouse: Gear Up
Side Button Big: Clutch
Mouse Axis: Steer
Joystick Throttle: Acceleration/Braking
Joystick Button: Handbrake

However, jumped into the options, and apparently, I can only use a KB/Mouse or Wheel/Joystick config... anyway to mixmatch the two so I can achieve the above? Also, any way to lower the mouse sensitivity? I find myself steering out of a corner catching a light drift and countersteering too bloody hard and start drifting and sooner or later if I have not regained control of the car I end up doing a 180 to reverse and J-Turn...

Also, I find it quite enjoyable to do 360's, 180's to reverse and J-Turn out or 180 Boomerangs... anyone else? Not alot of the games actually let you do this, and if they do, it's too bloody simple... I like the method of Handbrake, twist wheel, switch to reverse, reverse the wheel, hit the gas, straighten wheel hit drive...

Ohh and, how come whenever I hotlap or play a singleplayer game the replay is not recorded? Is this a restriction within the demo?

Woah, woah, woah... Way too confusing for you and me... why don't you just use Mouse - Axis for steering, Left button for Throttle, Right for Brake and just config the keyoard for everything else...

Joystick and Mouse Control?
(21 posts, started )