lol heres the afternoon render .. anyways, i just figured out (well.. noticed really) that im doing this all wrong by having the track a seperate mesh, so this is only temporary to figure out the shape of the track and mold the scene around it, but.. what do you think of the track now with the 'scottish/irish' hills for my bmw scene

(overall, what do you think this track shape is good for final?)
The last section is a bit too twisty IMHO. I would make some stright parts with hard angled corners. And it's a bit too short. Or if it is not too short it is too wide.

Btw. The track is flat. That's a minus.

Apart from that good job
worked on the more modern section of the city where there will be a 'racetrack' type highway with rumble strips (if you saw the old RSX commercial where its on a wide racetrack going between buildings... this is what im going for)

um.. gotta go so not much to say, so heres a picture instead

Haha, you badly need to put some textures on there
its not even near finished yet?
so i just felt like messing with the lighting, and i've come up with settings for dawn (which isnt really.. sunrise, but more about 9ish.. with.. light from about 7 lol) midday, and dusk

(small pictures kinda high compression thanks to microsoft image resizer, i just saw no point in posting full res pictures of these)

I'm a sucker for virtual cities. I love skyscrapers. XCNuse, you're a talented man
Agreed, that is very nice XCN. Better finish it
went back yesterday with messing with lights and materials, and i decided to do some renders of the Z4 to see how they came out..

i liked the first one so much i did another lol

(no its not the best metallic paint, but dont worry about that)

Your paint's oxidising
and.. the last one for tonight, got rid of the metallic paint, and just made it grey, and added the wheels and tires, and added a 4th light

i like this picture more than the front so.. heres the new rear picture with everything in it
(yes, i know i need to fix the shadow, thats more or less just.. changing UVW values of shadow texture size)
That's a great piece of work
This is sooo great ^_^

I feel bad about my laziness because of what i saw
figured i would update this thread so much since i've gotten so far on this thing.. hm

nice render ay? but heres the new fixes and .. stuff

Quote from XCNuse :Okay well.. im making this later than i wanted, but earlier than i wanted also, i really wanted to kick this thread off with a bang with a finished model.. unfortunately i have none of those lol

so heres what im gonna kick this off with; a mockup R8 that i started yesterday, i probably wont do much to this model, just use it more for paints and materials to see how they come out (right now its just a simply mat with a simple falloff reflection..)

when i say mockup i mean it has the basic layout of an R8, but there are a number of differences.. didnt get nearly as far as i wanted yesterday.. but hey.. lol try and model one of these, so many wierd curves, i promise you wont get what you want

but right now im fairly satisfied

P.S. secret project is still comming along nicely, i havent put any mats on it, but im closing in on the finished model

Pics remind me of Maserati MC12!
hey nuse,

go to google and type in BMW Z4 M Race Car. Y don't u make that thing?
Good work so far

Oh...and btw, I'm sorry for you getting a year closer to your retirement.
Happy Bday, dude :drink:
@ rappa .. yea... i saw it.. sweet isnt it lol i think that z4 race car is really slick looking

@ morrow uhr.. um.. lol my bday is in july lol

thanks for compliments though
got a ways to go but i feel pretty positive about this thing
Quote from XCNuse :@ rappa .. yea... i saw it.. sweet isnt it lol i think that z4 race car is really slick looking

@ morrow uhr.. um.. lol my bday is in july lol

thanks for compliments though
got a ways to go but i feel pretty positive about this thing

yea, it's nice n' pricey. 300,000 U.S./250,000 pounds. I think it could replace the old M3 in some events.
Quote from XCNuse :@ rappa .. yea... i saw it.. sweet isnt it lol i think that z4 race car is really slick looking

@ morrow uhr.. um.. lol my bday is in july lol

thanks for compliments though
got a ways to go but i feel pretty positive about this thing

Forum says that it's your bday: XCNuse (18)
Quote from XCNuse :@ morrow uhr.. um.. lol my bday is in july lol

Fix your profile then

lol just fixed it, my bday .. thats not right at all, dunno how it got there, but my bday is july 5th
alrighty.. 3 new renders to show off.. unfortunately you cant see the interior as well as i thought it would be .. so.. im going to have to fix the lighting (maybe stick a light.. in the car? dunno what im going to do to get that global lighting and all)

anyways, im not sure why the rubber seal between window and the door disappears on that last render but..
and.. for some reason on 2nd render there is a huge gap between car and headlight.. might just be that whole thing needs to come forward, im still working on that stuff, still have lots to do with the headlight

anyways, 3 new material renders

Aren't the rear lights different on the real car? I think the have a round brake light in the middle (well, there is a round light in the middle, not sure for what )

A.Nuse's thread of 3d things
(530 posts, started )