ok posting these straight off Yahoo messanger, don't know where in israel your going or interests but here goes
ok, well there is the clubbing hubs and shopping in Tel Aviv, antiquities and culture in Jerusalem, fun in the sun in Eilat
if he wants’ a thrill ride he can go to the west bank, dodging bullets can be very exiting
the golan heights are very picturesque, and nice for a romantic weekend but I would find them very boring
nice women all over, very pretty, very annoying
like a ford model agency with attitude
The best places to get laid would be Tel Aviv or Eilat
They like exotic feigners in Tel Aviv, just tell him to make sue that the cute girl hitting on him in a club has no Adams apple
BTW there are plenty of old war memorials on the road to Jerusalem, old halftracks ans such from the 40's and 50's
(btw Daskapital is a bit "strange", as anyone who's met him on CoD 4 will confirm

EDIT : he says he's probably one of the more sane people !!!
This is the middle east dude, we bomb first and ask questions later