Lag/glitching when crashing......
(33 posts, started )
Lag/glitching when crashing......
Whenever anyone in front or behind me crashes in to or clips another car or object or I do, I get a mini-freeze or glitch on the screen and I hear like a click sound........ This happens for every incident. If its lap one and in to T1, typically in LFS there are lots of knocks and bumps and this causes my screen to go in a frenzy thats impossible to be able to drive with. I also get a similar mini-freeze when someone joins and a message pops up or someone gets a best lap etc.

I've tried rolling back the graphics drivers from the Nvidia site from the latest 190.38 going back as far as 181.22 with the same results.

I asked Victor about this and he suggested it could be a graphics driver issue and to roll back. He also said it could be a network card issue and to try a full grid of single player with AI. The same thing happens in that instance too.

System Specs

Quote :Intel i7 920
6gb DDR3
GTX295 graphics card
Windows Vista 64 bit
Onboard sound
ASUS P6T Motherboard
HP 24" Monitor

I don't get this issue in any other game from iRacing to COD, and run those games on maximum everything without problem.

I have tried running all the above GFX drivers and tested both in multiplay as well as single player with things like LOD on max and min.

Any help grateful......
not much help here, but I do remember someone had a a problem just like this, whenever he hit something it stuttered. Can't remember if he fixed it, the thread had a lot of input. Have a look around, something very similar in the last 6 months just like this.
yeah, I have looked.

I've just tried racing on the LR race 1 server and it's impossible.... its just crackling and glitching almost the whole time due to the amount of people. Has to be a graphics thing somewhere. I wonder if the LFS might not be able to work with the GTX295 and i7 or something..... or vista 64 bit or all....

grrrr, anyone?
I had this when I forced AA and AF via CCC.
ATI Catalyst Control Center, the control panel app where you can configure driver settings.
aaah, ok... I've left everything in the Nvidia Driver control panel at default apart from turning vsync off.

The AA and AF I set in LFS and have it set in the drivers to allow it to be program controlled.....

What's odd is that its only an issue in LFS.....
I wonder if it is not a 64bit problem. Use to run with no probs and having the same glitches.

My specs:

2 x AMD Athlon 2.55gHZ
2 GiG Ram
NviDia GT 8600.

Use to run XP(32bit) ,then installed Win7(64bit). Other racing/flying sim work perfectly

Quote from eddie_brunette :I wonder if it is not a 64bit problem. Use to run with no probs and having the same glitches.

My specs:

2 x AMD Athlon 2.55gHZ
2 GiG Ram
NviDia GT 8600.

Use to run XP(32bit) ,then installed Win7(64bit). Other racing/flying sim work perfectly


I'm glad to see I am not the only person having this issue. It is odd that the issues are only in LFS and nothing else. I've tried installing LFS to the C drive, Program files (X86) and even on a separate drive but no change
Quote from StableX :I'm glad to see I am not the only person having this issue. It is odd that the issues are only in LFS and nothing else. I've tried installing LFS to the C drive, Program files (X86) and even on a separate drive but no change

Yep, did excactly the same

One question? Did you update Patch-Y to Patch-Z online? I wonder if that is not problem. I've just downloaded the new full Patch-Z .exe

I'll install 2night and let you know. If that not working, will run a 32bit operation system over weekend and report back. Got server 200832bit yesterday, ill give it a try and let know

I have the same on my laptop. 32bit vista.
Quote from Bose321 :I have the same on my laptop. 32bit vista.

Victor mentioned that LFS uses some features that most other games don't use. It's weird that I have a top end machine and it just wont run right. I'm sure it's a gfx thing somewhere as its only on collisions and sometimes with messages that show, like when someone joins a server....
Hi StableX, installed any texture updates? have you tried a new downloaded LFS in a seperate new folder, without any addons (texture packs etc)?

In Vista do you have to run LFS as admin? have you tried running from an admin account?

Have you tried in 16bit and 32bit graphics modes?

Does this happen in all screen resolutions?

Have you tried running singleplayer full grid with all same (or none) skins on? ( I would try high res vs low res too)

Happens in windowed and full screen modes?

Have you tried dissabling the sound from device manager?

Do you have any Cool & Quiet throttling software installed?

all over the gaming forums people are having issues with the 295 card and i7 cpu, especially I have noticed with ASUS mobos, I imagine someone will find a driver prob and it should get solved eventually.

I have heard that with Nvidia cards its better to turn off AA+AF ingame and enable them specifically, or globally, in your nvidia control panal app, Shadowww would be a good person to ask, he knows good info about this stuff.

Good luck.

Quote from SparkyDave :Hi StableX, installed any texture updates? have you tried a new downloaded LFS in a seperate new folder, without any addons (texture packs etc)?

In Vista do you have to run LFS as admin? have you tried running from an admin account?

Have you tried in 16bit and 32bit graphics modes?

Does this happen in all screen resolutions?

Have you tried running singleplayer full grid with all same (or none) skins on? ( I would try high res vs low res too)

Happens in windowed and full screen modes?

Have you tried dissabling the sound from device manager?

Do you have any Cool & Quiet throttling software installed?

all over the gaming forums people are having issues with the 295 card and i7 cpu, especially I have noticed with ASUS mobos, I imagine someone will find a driver prob and it should get solved eventually.

I have heard that with Nvidia cards its better to turn off AA+AF ingame and enable them specifically, or globally, in your nvidia control panal app, Shadowww would be a good person to ask, he knows good info about this stuff.

Good luck.



Tx for this info...

I'll try some of your suggestions. I have the same probs as StableX. Some of your suggestions I tried my self which didnt work:

Have you tried in 16bit and 32bit graphics modes? Yep

Does this happen in all screen resolutions? Yep, was actually amazed it happen in 600x400

I'll truly hope its not the sound...damn that would be a bummer...

But like Stablex said, other simulators(Toca Grid/Dirt, IL2, BMW M3 Challenge) runs perfectly in full gfx modes

In Vista do you have to run LFS as admin? have you tried running from an admin account? I have tried running in administrator as well as other. Have also tried running it from different drives.

Have you tried in 16bit and 32bit graphics modes? I have not tried 16 bit mode but then again, wouldn't want to either.....

Does this happen in all screen resolutions? yes, have tried in all sorts of modes. Interestingly, on my really old machine I could shift-F4 easily from full screen to windows mode. If I try it now it takes about 20 seconds to do and its glitchy until it actually gets there. On going back to full screen, its never right and needs to be restarted.

Have you tried running singleplayer full grid with all same (or none) skins on? ( I would try high res vs low res too). I have tried full grids with basic skins and custom with the same issues if I try to make the AI crash or they just do when in view of me in the rear view or in front.

Happens in windowed and full screen modes? When in window mode its as if the graphics never quite catch up and it looks like its only showing every second frame Also it seems even worse when someone joins the server and a message pops up to say joined. I get a gfx type glitch then too. It's worse in window mode.

Have you tried dissabling the sound from device manager? I haven't tried that actually. I will do. I use onboard Realtek. Just tried that and no difference.

Do you have any Cool & Quiet throttling software installed? No idea what that is actually...... Ok, I thought you might have meant ASUS cooler fan management software. Deleted that and no change either.

i had/have the same issue. at first, i thought it was my CPU. i have since upgraded to a Ph 550 and i still get the glitches but the extra cache of the 550 seems to reduce it a bit. my ram is also not the problem as i have tested each stick on its own (4 sticks of 2gb each). i have also changed my motherboard.
the only thing i have to change that i can think of is my graphics card. i have a NV8800GT (512). i think it may be damaged. not sure but a 9800GT is really cheap these days so i plan on getting one (might be in the next 12 hours). my driver is currently the 178.24 (i think) as all the newer ones cause a shit load of problems on Arma2 and Pro evo 09.
i have no "addon" textures. just vanilla LFS.
This reminds me of an old issue with LFS and ATI gfx cards, after some months with alot of ati users reporting problems (including myself) it was discovered that the ati drivers had a problem (possibly the targeted textures but thats a guess) after many of us reported this at the ATI webiste and at various forums ati driver devs were known to read, the problem was fixed in a subsiquent driver release.

I'm not saying its a Nvidia driver fault, just that it reminds me of that earlyer thing, however it could be

It could also be somwthing with the way DX is dealt with in Vista when paired with a vidia (again just a guess)

I wonder if this problem is fixed if you could "roll back" to DX9 c, Im assuming you have DX10.
Any chance of dual booting to XP to test if its still an issue with the same HW different OS, migh thelp to narrow it down a bit.

Well, I am a little shocked but I've managed to sort the issue, thanks to all your help.........

It turned out to be using the onboard soundcard. What I don't get is how the graphics can be so messed up in a game as a result of a soundcard.

Anyway, I added my old creative soundcard and everything is fixed......

Thanks again all
i thought i'd replace my onboard sound with a PCI card. costs less than a new GPU
I managed to sort mine too, but not sound related though

I reinstalled Win7(64bit), run LFS excactly same probs

I then tried WinServer2008 (32bit), and it worked fantastic, but had prob with AVG on server.

So I thought it might be 32/64 bit related. Installed XP 32bit S3, and had sound problems with S3, but LFS played very smooth.

SO I reinstall XP 32bit S2 and *BAM* my LFS S2 unlocks are done for the week biiiggggg bummer

My PC is just about two years old, and all my hardware came with 32bit software, so it might have been the 64bit software that i was using. LFS plays perfectly now, but only blackwood and 12 cars(aaaggghhhhh), but sending mail to "headoffice" regarding my prob, they just might unlock it before friday
2 x AMD Athlon 2.55gHZ
2 GiG Ram
NviDia GT 8600.

Quote from eddie_brunette :I managed to sort mine too, but not sound related though

I reinstalled Win7(64bit), run LFS excactly same probs

I then tried WinServer2008 (32bit), and it worked fantastic, but had prob with AVG on server.

So I thought it might be 32/64 bit related. Installed XP 32bit S3, and had sound problems with S3, but LFS played very smooth.

SO I reinstall XP 32bit S2 and *BAM* my LFS S2 unlocks are done for the week biiiggggg bummer

My PC is just about two years old, and all my hardware came with 32bit software, so it might have been the 64bit software that i was using. LFS plays perfectly now, but only blackwood and 12 cars(aaaggghhhhh), but sending mail to "headoffice" regarding my prob, they just might unlock it before friday
2 x AMD Athlon 2.55gHZ
2 GiG Ram
NviDia GT 8600.


great news indeed.... are you using an onboard soundcard though?
yep, never had issues with it.

its wierd that our problem was so similar, yet two completely different solutions.

"headoffice" kindly unlocked my sim yesterday

I had this problem too.

What I noticed is when I use SHIFT+A to see all the sound settings, I left that window up and raced. When I got some glitches (like mini-freeze then skip frames) I noticed the top of the sound settings window said "CLIPPING" in red.

This is indeed due to onboard soundcard. Not sure what fix, if any, can be done other than replacing it with a PCI sound card.
Same problem over here.
When driving with 20 AI drivers (with skins), frame rate is very low and when some cars are crashing frame rate drops under 3 fps.
when driving with AI drivers without skin the framerate also drops but not that much as with skins.
The problem is NOT my graphic Card (512 MB), when driving with rFactor I can use more than 20 AI drivers without any problems.
Attached images
Whats your CPU speed? [LFS, particuarly with lots of AI, is very CPU dependant.]