The online racing simulator
My or redline xrg car foult
(93 posts, started )
I am not a big poster here, but this got my attention because I know Ring (good guy!) and was curious what he had to say….
Sadly I can’t see the point behind such a topic, since he wasn’t banned and we are talking about a 5 laps race where an “accident” has happened like 1000’s every days…
It is starting to look like the F1, soon we’ll need a tribunal to judge those incidents….lol

I was a real life racer which doesn’t makes me qualified and to be honest I am curious about what do you think qualifies some of you to be judge on this one? (taking online stats in to considerations)
Gentlemen’s rule says that when someone pass you on the inside ¾ of a car, you back of to eventually get him back on the inside of apex (hoping he would get a bit too deep on braking)… in 5 laps sprint races I think it is the only rule that makes sense since crashing or an error lives you no chances to get back, Ring and Pat are both good racers (raced many times with them) and when 2 good racers fights there is always a chance for an accident, which here could have been avoided from both sides… of course I am not a specialist in those matter but that’s the only conclusion I can make here. No big lesson to be learned..

So I don’t understand what you want to achieve here, especially after 3 pages ...
If you want to learn about racing this is not the best example to chose from….

Emotions is the enemy here!!
It's just here to show you who's fault it is in any case of whoever it is

Yes stuff like this happens all the time, that is why there are threads like this to get down to the nitty gritty of what went wrong to prevent it from happening next time!
Quote from SparkyDave :Can a driver not take whatever line he chooses after he has overtaken someone?

Of course a driver can, but the point here was the lack of common sense, and this situations happen in real life streets too.
Just because patrese had 1inch full car ahead doesn't mean he can swerve the car in front of someone and brake immediatly...he had the inside, he was ahead, could easy stayed on his line and forcing Ring to stay on the outside all the time, instead he choose the "non common sense" aproach.
Ring was also ahead of Rising, yet he decided to give him space.
XCNuse, this is getting ridiculous now. You are talking like a Smart car driving, Evian drinking lawyer about a road traffic incident on a busy street in real life.
We are talking about a simple virtual racing incident that happens when people fight for position.
I have raced Ring a few times before and i knew he is a quality racer
who races hard and i think tries to be as fair as you or me.
I am not by nature a aggressive racer and always try to give plenty room
and the first to say sorry if i made a mistake.
However, there are times when i believe its OK to race hard or a little more aggressive: when i find my opponents to be so, or when i think we can both handle the race craft required to avoid accidents and have alot of fun.
In this case i believed it was a bit of both but maybe i was wrong.

But then you come along, all knowing, in a respectable position, about to get the chalk out to mark positions on the track, tape measure, camera and notebook and turn it into a potentially fatal real life road accident investigation and ready for a big American style lawsuit.
Just let it be.
The guy is always welcome to race on our servers and I'm always happy to race him in future. Next time i see him online, will say sorry for my bold move to him and he might even say sorry to me about clipping me (but he doesn't have to) and we'll all be happy bunnies i hope.
Quote from XCNuse :It's just here to show you who's fault it is in any case of whoever it is

Yes stuff like this happens all the time, that is why there are threads like this to get down to the nitty gritty of what went wrong to prevent it from happening next time!

It is a noble cause then, if you sincerely believe that topics like this prevent such accidents from happening, I may have another 500 replays to suggest then lol.
But I can agree with you that a mature conversation on those incidents could make sense if well managed…
Quote from XCNuse :It's just here to show you who's fault it is in any case of whoever it is

Yes stuff like this happens all the time, that is why there are threads like this to get down to the nitty gritty of what went wrong to prevent it from happening next time!

These things will always happen in racing and a discussion and replay of it will never prevent it. Its part of racing.
It may however clear the rules of racing a little and as Fram says could be a good thing if well managed.
The best way to deal with it is to be civil with each other and not to go running to third patries for judgment and support.
Deal with it there and then, make up, and have another race with a calmer head. SORTED
I agree with Framaris's take and now as I am just about to make post patrese. Race incident in my book both patrese and Ring could have done abit more to avoid incident but in heat of battle errors are made were all human

I believe patrese was aware that Ring would be aggressive under brakes and therefore was making a defensive move to make his pass stick. In my eyes patrese's only error was that he braked hard straight away and perhaps should have come on the brakes slightly more gentley at that point to allow more time for Ring to brake. Ring on the other hand could have braked slightly earlier than normal knowing that the xrg brakes earlier than the xfg, but he was probably thinking he still could challenge on the outside planning a switchback to go up the inside at the exit of the corner either way just too good drivers pushing hard and this time not pulling it off, race incident.
Quote from Framaris :It is a noble cause then, if you sincerely believe that topics like this prevent such accidents from happening, I may have another 500 replays to suggest then lol.

Well.. you can always try right

Met Patrese online about 3 hours ago, was very friendly, we got talking for about 2 or 3 minutes, it was at the LR Racing server.

Anyways, the race restarted and we were off (i believe patrese was a spectator at the time). T1 and the straight was a clean good start for a good race. We got down to the turn at the end of the long straightaway, looked around....

and thought...

Oh the irony...

I was in the EXACT same spot as Ring was, someone else was in a similar spot to where Rising was, and there was an XRG similar to where Patrese was.

I figured I wasn't going to let this happen, so I slowly put on the brakes around 150 meters to show everyone behind to slow down, then got on my brakes for real around 120 meters.

The XRG got halfway in my line about a half car length ahead of me, and my front end was about halfway down the side of the XFG on my left, but he was pulling ahead as I was already braking.

I figured hah! Solution.. problem solved.

Then the inevitable happened, someone rear ended me.. distinctly hard for entering that turn, and then.. instead of just myself and one XRG going into the sand, I landed up taking out the other XFG, the XRG, and myself.

There is only so much you can do I suppose!

@patrese, I never was attempting to insult you, but use you as a learning tool for future drivers so they know what to expect at times like this. If that was me in the XRG instead of you I would've been saying just about the same thing, so no offense to you.
Hehe, its all good. We are cool.
Wanted to join the race but then a guest turned up. Grrr
Here is new one.
Now i must stress i would never post a replay regarding a matter like this here but i will make a exception this time for obvious reasons.
If it wasn't clear enough the first time, this replay (lap 10)
should clear things up.
Funny how he never posted this one and still no sorry or admission of fault.
It seems they might have different rules of racing in Bulgaria but since we are not there he will have to adapt his style to conform with us I'm afraid.
Attached files
ring_again.mpr - 932.9 KB - 239 views
Yes that last one is 100% ring at fault
I dont know why he was so shocked lol

Its the "thanks" afterwards that really gets up my nose
Quote from DoC_uk :Its the "thanks" afterwards that really gets up my nose

Yeah, that would get on my nerves as well. Cleary Ring at fault here.
#89 - Ring
''F5'' is Sorry
my mistake what the problem?
im not BOT make mistakes sometimes
its racing team or BigBrother show?
watch my every step on the magnifying glass

and Patrese intervene to stop my country!!!
if you have a racist bias better tell me straight

Quote from Ring :YES MY FOULT
''F5'' is Sorry
my mistake what the problem?
im not BOT make mistakes sometimes
its racing team or BigBrother show?
watch my every step on the magnifying glass

and Patrese intervene to stop my country!!!
if you have a racist bias better tell me straight

Easy tiger , lets be honest now you cant come here complaining about someones driving and then moan and whine when the same people come here to complain about yours . The point is you drive with an arrogance that winds people up on the server again and again , you think every corner is yours regardless of circumstances .

Pats not racisit i think his point was that in your original post the only 3 people that said "yes definatly pats fault" came from your contry ..thats not racism .. its just pointing out facts.

Think you need to chill out , that goes for your driving style also ! Its no good being quick on an empty track if you lack the craft to take it to a full race
#91 - Ring
Easy champ,
Even a week ago i asked if i welcome in your server,
response is completely clear you could tell me more then
not let me sneak a permanent.
Do not worry no longer visit the server you
thus able to win any contest.

Good luck
Quote from Ring :
Easy champ,
Even a week ago i asked if i welcome in your server,
response is completely clear you could tell me more then
not let me sneak a permanent.
Do not worry no longer visit the server you
thus able to win any contest.

Good luck

Have no idea what all that means , not your fault as English is not your 1st language .I think from the jist that you no long wish to use our server to race on , thats fine . I will point out that you are not at this time banned , but will further point out that is continue your driving style elsewhere i'm pretty sure you will be met with the same response .

You have a nice day
Quote from patrese :I'm not the one who was complaining about the incident and I haven't bothered to respond untill a person with a influental position passed judgment on a event that he clearly isn't qualified to pass judgement on.
If you care to look at the replay again, you will find i looked left twice, the second time knowing it was clear for me to go back on the racing line.
I had FULLY (1/2m) overtaken by that time and therefore had every right to be where i was.
And yes, i still would have made it round the corner unlike XCNuse who may have got his brakes set differently or whatever.
I don't even care if i was right or wrong, but what does bother me are backseat drivers who think they know better but haven't produced
any evidence of that.
I mean, would you listen to someones advice about where or where not to brake who is nearly 3 seconds slower than you?
Writing this sitting on a Shetland pony

It's pretty clearly patrese's fault.. I'm, not sure what some of you are looking at, but if you use the overhead view it's clear as day. I think this is where a lot of arguments come from in LFS is that people have a different definition of who has 'right of way' etc.. I can say that you can't cut in front of someone WHILE you begin to brake.. That's just stupid.

My or redline xrg car foult
(93 posts, started )