Not to mention the layouts there were mine, but np, they now got permission to use what they want
When that is said, maybe I'll start doing some work on the old [noobs] server, and make sure, or at much as possible, is fun. Wrecking is of course a part of DD, but not full speed in T1 without consequences.
I'll bump my old topic probally in middle august when I am home with my old computer, and I'll make sure the server is up and running, and I will try to be there as much as possible.
Aswell that I will try to get the old DD feel back to it, I'll set up some last man standing or something and we'll see how that turns out, time will show.
When all this is said, CAD is a good server when the admins are around, but when they are not around there is huge problems, because there are so many silly people there, that deserves a huge kick in their ball-sack, and thrust me, if I start up the server again I am going to kick those bastards so hard in their nuts they'll turn out girls.
So this is no rant to the CAD server, but the people on it.
Edit : Maybe I'll make two servers, as following and their rules.
Destruction Derby - Not allowed to go full speed ram in T1, no suicidal wrecking there. No roadblocking, wrong way driving and such actions. Main goal is to finish, but it's allowed to wreck, but again, no suicidal hits like going full speed in a turn.
Total Destruction Derby - Go here, but do not expect to finish this race. These races will be on various tracks with various suicidal layouts (probally most have seen them before, but I'll see if I can make some new ones) , and there will only be ONE rule. No wrong way driving, everything else is allowed. If you don't care a damn about winning, maybe team up with 4 other nutters and make a roadblock that guranteed will make the leader one angry little man, or any others that will hit it for that matter.
So join this server if you want destruction, at all costs! Do not join this if you belive to join a serious race or actually have a chance to finish it.
So, this is all just a brainstorming, and some ideas, and I'll see what I can do when I am back at my old computer in middle of august, I will keep you updated when that time comes.
So, to sum it up :
Destruction Derby - Race focused, no roadblocks or sucidal hits. Aim is to finish, wrecking is alltho allowed.
Total Destruction Derby - Everything (execpt wrong way driving) allowed! Roadblocks, T1 mayhem - you named it! Here it's the one that finish that wins, but do not expect to win this!
Both server will most likely be runned with XRT, due to the reason it has the awesome Skin Pack from Disposal (destruction derby skin pack) , and due to the fact it has a great feel and suitable power for the task.
Again, I'll keep you updated on what happens, and sorry that I whent off topic