Hehe, I just want to get to boddom in this whole mystery
Or at least prove that what I tell to the custommers calling to me on telephone isn't completely bullshit 
Great work with showing that command window, maybe you want to just shade out your ipadress or something?
Either way, now when we have 200 packages (or around 10 mins at least) then line them up in same reply, and point out who's with wired connection, and who's not.
Keep up the good work
Edit : oh LOL! I do now realize that if too many does this at same time, the LFS server most likely will crash. But for that we need aalllooooott of people, and we are not going to that, just this harmless test to see if the notice is big or not. Hands up for you, hope more does this so we can see some results we can compare with

Great work with showing that command window, maybe you want to just shade out your ipadress or something?

Keep up the good work

Edit : oh LOL! I do now realize that if too many does this at same time, the LFS server most likely will crash. But for that we need aalllooooott of people, and we are not going to that, just this harmless test to see if the notice is big or not. Hands up for you, hope more does this so we can see some results we can compare with