The online racing simulator
Trying to host an online game on own PC!!
A friend of mine has just installed the demo and loves the online driving.

However he is a complete KB newbie and been harrassed online, so i would like to set up our own private online game so he can learn the tracks and driving techniques?!?

I've visited the thread about port forwarding and set that up.

My problem now is when trying to connect i get this message

"host has a different game code"

BTW patch u installed on both machines
I'm S2 he is demo

Any ideas


#2 - bal00
That means you're running an S2 server, which a demo player can't join.

To open a demo server, you can either select demo-mode on the first multiplayer screen or use a dedicated server.
Quote from bal00 :That means you're running an S2 server, which a demo player can't join.

To open a demo server, you can either select demo-mode on the first multiplayer screen or use a dedicated server.

Thanks for responding!!
I've downloaded the dedi server and installed that on another PC.
I'll try later
still having problems with creating own host, now i get....

"clientconnect : connect failed"

when connecting

atm trying to run dedihost in demo
i'm pretty sure port forwarding is ok
now i'm stuck!!

any ideas please
Can you connect to your Dedi server from your own PC ? - just to make sure your server is actually working and accepting connections locally..

For Port Forwarding, make sure you have enabled both TCP and UDP for port 63392 on your firewall/router and that its pointing to your Server host IP address...

Also, does your Demo server show up on the master list, or is your friend just typing in the name?