uhh.. car paint material really needs to be fixed, your lighting doesn't match the background (to soft), road material is to small, meaning make the U/V multipliers a bit less, also get a texture or something on the rub wall, it looks way to fake and is ruining the scene for me.
Can you make a render from the backsite/side?
i think i know your problem but i'am not sure...
i think you glas material is sollide
i had the same problem white my headlights....
its your material for the glass, don't make it reflect 100%
make it reflect somewhere like 33% or something like that.
and turn down the refraction to 1.01 or 1.02 max.
Also turn down the brightness of the lights you have in the headlights and foglights, they're waaaay to bright and are blown out and just look weird in the render.