The online racing simulator
Cromowheel grip template???
(11 posts, started )
Cromowheel grip template???
is there a template out there for the wheel grip??? if anyone has one r knows the whereabouts of one...pleaeeeeese tell me
Here`s the wires in 2048x (you can reduce it to 1024x without losing anything important).
Attached files
Cromowheel_grip.psd - 1.3 MB - 500 views
great stuff, thanks
Lemme know if you want the centre section too, I can always put something together.
nah, the centre section is fine thanks, ive already re-skinned that part (search for reskinned cromowheel). thanks anyway though.
may i ask how you made that???
Ah, yes. The skull thing a few days ago. I remember now.

Stick to exact canvas sizes whenever possible. 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, etc. Your last one was 257x257.

You also used an alpha channel which isn`t needed for the cromowheel2 file (or the grip). Use DXT1 with no alpha channel, and include the mipmaps (so you don`t lose quality, or use more gfx memory than you need to, when you view it from outside the cockpit).

The wires were ripped from the LFS models using blender. I`ve always done that for skins/textures, since it lets you see exactly where the edges lie, and any hidden bits that aren`t visible on any other templates.
Quote from unseen :
You also used an alpha channel which isn`t needed for the cromowheel2 file (or the grip). Use DXT1 with no alpha channel, and include the mipmaps (so you don`t lose quality, or use more gfx memory than you need to, when you view it from outside the cockpit).

ok thanks for the tip, i might get myself blender if there is a free version, so idont have to ask for templates every other day lol. ill update the wheel right away, maybe not on the forum, but il update it on my PC. once again, thanks for the tip.
could you post the wheelcenter too ? thanks
Centre section for the old Road wheel and the MRT.

.psd file has the centre and edge sections as seperate layers for clarity.

Not the easiest texture to work with, as the domed centre section is actually scaled up seperately in-game, so just pasting a wheel image into the wireframes will look horrible when you see it while driving.

There`s a reason it took me around 7 months or so to get that centre section looking perfect in the wheels I released (right up until the horrible reflections were added in the patch, which totally killed the look of the old road wheel...).

Meh, here`s the wires anyway.
Attached files
Cromowheel2 (1024).psd - 876.7 KB - 336 views

Cromowheel grip template???
(11 posts, started )