The online racing simulator
New Team CP

I have a question regarding the TEAM CP and the fuctionality to define the team new before every race.

What is the idea behind this ? I didn´t understand the sense.

Normally every driver of a team which is driving in an event should be in the team results like in all saisons before otherwise it is no team.

Can you explain the expectation of this functionality ? please.

Best Regards
I think the biggest aspect of the new team area was so that teams could do a lot of the work themselves, previously it was all done behind the scenes. I'm not quite sure of the reason for teams needing to choose racers every race (I think I missed the staff meeting about that) - but the fact that team points are much more accurate and you can't take points with you to a new team make perfect sense now.
But normally every driver in a team is driving for the Team, otherwise he is not really in the team and therefore I think that I don´t need to select my team every race, because I have done this at beginning of the season.

Can someone explain who participate the staff meeting please.

Best Regards
I think it is fairly simple to explain.

If a team was allowed to have unlimited racers score points, the biggest team would most likely win the team competition, right?

The way it is now is that each team can only have 2 racers who can get points for the team championship.
Why? So that small teams with 2 racers have the same chance of winning the team championship as the teams with 5+ racers.

That's how it works in my opinion
Quote from Agressor :I think it is fairly simple to explain.

If a team was allowed to have unlimited racers score points, the biggest team would most likely win the team competition, right?

The way it is now is that each team can only have 2 racers who can get points for the team championship.
Why? So that small teams with 2 racers have the same chance of winning the team championship as the teams with 5+ racers.

That's how it works in my opinion

I don´t think that this is the reason, because we have done the first 3 traces with 5 racers.

It would be great if an admin will try to give me an explanation.

Best Regards
noone interested in giving me an explanation ?
Can't remember what the question was?
#9 - t1ger
Sami would obviously be able to give the best answer because he wrote and designed it, but....

We had quite a few teams who were made up of a few racers (say 5 racers), however on a regular basis only 2 or 3 of them would race in events. This meant that the others who didn't race an event dragged the event score down for their team. Also, some teams have A and B teams, and drivers moved between teams as they progressed, just as a driver may change team mid season - the old system didn't allow this to work very well when it came to calculating the team scores.

We have tried to address this, and the current system is the result of this (and quite likely to address other things that I haven't thought of) however, in my opinion, it is too fiddly for the following reasons:

1. Team captains/leaders have to select which members are racing an event.
2. Once an event is finalised and racers are allowed to change teams, the points can't be modified again without affecting team points (this needs confirmation from Sami too, but I believe it to be the case).
3. Racers can not change teams until we have finalised the previous events results (which could take time if penalties or issues arise).

These all make it very fiddly and tight on time and I personally don't think it is worth the effort (and Sami has put a lot of effort into this, and I don't want him to think that I am dissing it in anyway, because I am not) I am just stating the reasons I am not entirely in favour of it. If we were more slick with the points/penalties and everything (i.e. didn't have real lives and paying jobs to contend with) we would be able to make it so much better and keep the functionality, however, as it stands, I am not in favour.

Sorry Sami, just my humble opinion.

Now it happens

@Tim Team is Team and everyone should bring its points in the results.

KA Race Team for this event is only one racer "in". But we want every race all members which qualified in the team. I am really do not understand this Team CP and for me it is very very bad functionality. Can an Admin add the other qualified KA Race Team Members to EVENT 6.

For me this is only for big teams which not want that their not so powerful racers are listed in the team results and their team collect more points, but then it is not really a team.


Best Regards
Tim wrote the reason why this feature was created. Nothing to add into that - for me it is still well justified to have such "tick-to-race" -list. And for your information, you don't need to be the teams admin to change the set racers. Any team member can do that.

By saying that everyone in a team should be counted, else it's not a team, you are in a way saying the same someone said ages ago about the so called "worst events" -rule; if you can't be there every time you are not a racer.

Anyway, we can discuss removing the feature after season - I'm not willing to change it unless it is really demanded from several members.

I asked several times add the other KA Members to Team for Event 6, 10 min. after alloed to change it by our own via form for example. I didn´t get an information if this is possible or why it is not possible ? is 10 minutes to long to correct this mistake ?

Quote from Thunderdome :Hi

I asked several times add the other KA Members to Team for Event 6, 10 min. after alloed to change it by our own via form for example. I didn´t get an information if this is possible or why it is not possible ? is 10 minutes to long to correct this mistake ?


I don't know why you feel need to present your opinion in such aggressive way?

Anyway, the missing racers can still be - and will be - added. Don't despair.
I don´t think that tihs was aggresive . I only want an answer . Now I have one
The error must be between my ears then