Sorry for not contribute with a story part here, but most of these threads, or similar has been closed before. Reason for that is because they usually ends up beeing a spamfest, and people not beeing able to behave write utterly strange and offensive things that just does not work out on this forum.. or any forum(s) for that mater.
Maybe a good thought, but this community is not grown up enough to have topics like these without ruining them. Just look what happend to the word-game topic or what it was, it whent totally shit and eventually a moderator had to stop it.
Better ask who's not AMD
He created so many accounts for spamming...
By the way, could we get back to the story? I thought this was going to be a good thread.
(even though I laughed out loud when I read some of the replies )
I don't have any opinion about that (i.e.: I'm totally neutral about it), because I didn't get to really know him before. I've only seen the spam and multiple accounts part (which contained links to cracks).