Tbh no-one cares if you don't have a girlfriend...
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Tbh no-one cares if you don't have a girlfriend...

If that was aimed at me, well... I do... I believe the photo is still laying somewhere around this thread....
Quote from DevilDare :If that was aimed at me, well... I do... I believe the photo is still laying somewhere around this thread....

Only you would think that was aimed at you. It was about the last page or so in general..
Seriously, guys, you all are making me feel left out in all of this.
:grouphug: :ashamed:
Whats the point taking some gurl from net and saying it's yours, and even more if shes that ugly. Seriously, those boobs just dont fit.
Quote from feat :Whats the point taking some gurl from net and saying it's yours, and even more if shes that ugly. Seriously, those boobs just dont fit.

Boobs are boobs, if they are big enough it doesn't matter if they fit or not. I mean, who looks on the faces of people either way? :rolleyes:
Okay, i'll keep quiet from now ..
i wonder how many gf's would sue you or alteast brake up with you if they'd know that you posted a pic of her in a public forum for all geeks and weirdos to see
Careful, last time i said things like that i got wtf pwned....
Quote from batteryy :i wonder how many gf's would sue you or alteast brake up with you if they'd know that you posted a pic of her in a public forum for all geeks and weirdos to see

Well I dunno, I told my GF about this thread and why I on purposely didn't post up a picture and she was like wtf why not post it?

Anyhow, that girl with the massi buubs, she's everywhere, epic fail at picking a picture no one else would find.
Quote from DevilDare :Careful, last time i said things like that i got wtf pwned....

Don't you talk, GF whent apeshit on me last time she found me browsing this forum and a "funny" picture appeared on the screen.
(mrodgers) DELETED by mrodgers
Quote from mrodgers :Couldn't sue, it's not illegal to post a photo of anyone, but I've been wondering the 2nd part for quite a while.

Of course, if you're married and posting a photo of your girlfriend and the wife found out, the wife would surely sue..... in divorce court.

+1 lol
I finally have a gf! I am really happy about it too!
Well give us the pic
Pics or it didn't happen
Quote from DevilDare :Well give us the pic

Bad thing is, she didn't send me any. You see, she is in Texas, and I am in Georgia. The only pics she has are on her phone. Her name is Ivory Garcia, and she works in fast food.
Quote from [BeatR] Tmiothy :Bad thing is, she didn't send me any. You see, she is in Texas, and I am in Georgia. The only pics she has are on her phone. Her name is Ivory Garcia, and she works in fast food.

I call shenanigans.
Quote from [BeatR] Tmiothy :Bad thing is, she didn't send me any. You see, she is in Texas, and I am in Georgia. The only pics she has are on her phone. Her name is Ivory Garcia, and she works in fast food.

You know... A girlfriend wich lives almost a day travelling away from you ain't gonna work. Find a nice and cute girl in your hometown instead.
It may well be true (I had a sort of relationship with a chick from Wales some years ago) but it does smack of this
Long range rellationship can work, you just need dedication from both parts. If she's the right one you'll endure. Look on it as temporary. If she's the right one, and you stick togheter, you will sooner or later find a sollution (like moving togheter) if you really wants.

It's harder than normal rellationship, but more rewarding when they sort out after a lot of hard work.
Quote from The Very End :Long range rellationship can work, you just need dedication from both parts. If she's the right one you'll endure. Look on it as temporary. If she's the right one, and you stick togheter, you will sooner or later find a sollution (like moving togheter) if you really wants.

It's harder than normal rellationship, but more rewarding when they sort out after a lot of hard work.

And sometimes time spent away from the other half is the best time you could spend together.
True, but when you then meet them again it's awesome
Quote from The Very End :Long range rellationship can work, you just need dedication from both parts.

My new partner (~1 month) lives a 3hr train ride away, you might call it a long distance relationship - it's way too far to just pop over and way too expensive and too long a journey to go on a 'date' per se, so in practice how it seems to have panned out is that we pretty much live together right from the off, making as few trips as we can that last as long as possible.

Long distance can work if you are prepared to do the travel - but if you don't do the travel and wait until "sometime in the future" then the future will never come, and what you've got is a pen pal, a huge crush, and a ball and chain preventing you from having a life.
Very true, Becky. That's what I did. Chatted a hell of a lot online, met up a couple of times over a few months, then I just bit the bullet and moved in with her. And that was 8 years ago now

So let that be a warning to everyone. The internet is full of dodgy nutters like myself. Run away!

I found my girl online too. We used to be separated by like 2.1k KM (Me in UK, her in LTU) but we kept together and chatted online everyday.

Couple years later she moved in to London. And even now, when I live about 60miles from her, and dont meet up everyday, its still working out

Long distance can work. Just need the right person

Post Your Girlfriend / Love Life Advice 101
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