AA/AF settings
(46 posts, started )
AA/AF settings
would be nice to be able to set AA and AF from within the game rather than having to force it from the driver
as i always forget to set it back and then wonder why BF2 is crawling
not vital but would be nice
Depending what you are running you can do this already. I'm using nvidia 77.72 drivers and they have the option for game specific AA/AF and other settings.

Can't remember seeing it in the Ati catalysts tho.
#3 - Woz
Quote from plague :Depending what you are running you can do this already. I'm using nvidia 77.72 drivers and they have the option for game specific AA/AF and other settings.

Can't remember seeing it in the Ati catalysts tho.

ATI has the same but he is saying LFS does not let you select the AA/AF settings which is correct, it doesn't.

I am not too fussed but others might be if they play a large number of games that require different settings to keep performance.
Quote from Stoney :would be nice to be able to set AA and AF from within the game rather than having to force it from the driver
as i always forget to set it back and then wonder why BF2 is crawling
not vital but would be nice

Oh good, I'm not the only one who does that.. lol.

As mentioned before, you can set up profiles for each game in the gf card driver settings... well with mine I could if I wasn't so lazy...
I use ATi tray tools for automatic using of the Antialiasing separate for each game.

In LFS i.e. i use 4X
In Flatout i use 2X etc etc ....

The AA selection in game is very good just if u want to test something or change it on the fly....personally i dont need that too much, I aint "die" without that.
#6 - eobet
FSAA and Anisotropic settings in the game
Yes, I know you can force the graphics card to use both FSAA and Anisotropic filtering, but then you will get the UI, billboards and the lot filtered, and I'm not so sure that's optimal.

Settings for it in game would be nicer!
#7 - (SaM)
..wich could make LFS use different AA and AS settings than another game because you set it in LFS itself.
Yea, why not?
Merged 2 threads together since they have the same subject.
Quote from Stoney :would be nice to be able to set AA and AF from within the game rather than having to force it from the driver

not vital but would be nice

Yes and also if LFS supported this, it might be able to be more efficient with the AA and AF and allow for better performance with these enabled in game, rather than forcing with the driver CP..

It is a good idea for sure.
#10 - KBDE
[Graphics] Antialiasing + Anisophic filtering settings
Hi all

I currently am playing on a oc'ed 6800GT at a resolution of 2048*1536 with Antialiasing forced to 4x and anisophic to 8x. (on a 22" iiyama monitor)

This way it looks absolutely great. Problem is however that when i force these settings in the drivers, this is fine for LFS but not for all other games. (to slow, or graphic corruption)

I don't know how much work it would be, but it would be great to have these 2 settings in the setup menu of LFS itself, this way the settings don't need to be forced through the driver anymore and everything is fine.

If you once seen the difference you never want to play again without those settings active

Anyway, keep up the great work

Hopefully i can order the full version in the next few days
You could either use 'quality' AA instead of 'Forced', or you could use Radlinker and make a custom shortcut for LFS.
Seeing that you have a GF, it's likely that you use ForceWare drivers too, am I correct? These drivers already have a built in profiling, so the forced AA/AF settings can be bound to different applications. You just have to create a new profile in there and let it point to the LFS.exe, so only LFS will use your AA/AF settings and the other games will be left alone.
You can make profiles in drivers and each prog can have different settings.
Ive default profile set to "controlled by appl", LFS profile 4x 16x and max. qual profile set to 8xS 16x (Ive viewer for example in this profile).
You can have as many profiles as you want.
EDIT: beaten by AndroidXP
#14 - KBDE
Ok, thanks, i'll try that for the time being.

It would still be good to have it ingame through. Sometimes the game profiles seem to be removed when installing a new driver.

PS: Just payed the 35.23 Euro to moneybookers. Payment went smoother and quicker as i first thought! Can't wait to race the full version in the next few days
#15 - Vain
+1 for option in the game.

What does +1 for option in game mean?

I have a GeForce 6600GT OC and I can't get anti-aliasing to do anything whether I set it globally or with a profile pointing to LFS. I've set it all over the place but all I get in game is jagged edges.

Any ideas?
"+1" means "I vote for"
(tristancliffe) DELETED by tristancliffe
Ahhh, Gotcha!!!

I may be wrong about my AA situation. at 4x there may be some AA but it's very minute. I guess I had higher expectations.
What? AA / AF is working perfectly fine here (6600GT)
lambchop - make sure you don't have 'application preference' or similar option selected. Aside from that, I don't know what your problem could be.

Although, I have mine set to 6X. At 2X I could barely notice it, but I haven't tried it on 4X. If your comp can handle it and your card will go that high, bump it to 6X and see if that makes a difference
This is an option that is needed.

I would much prefer in-game filtering options than using vid card drivers.
Thanks guys.
The MIP bias helps smooth the pixels too. I had that at the sharper end of the scale.
AA & AF Selectable ingame
Tried searching, but too many results for AA & AF... or i can't find the right keywords...

Pls make the Antialiasing and Anisotropic filtering selectable from an ingame menu... It's a pain for those with more powerful graphics card to manually switch those on/off for LFS only (other latest games need this off to run smoothly)
#24 - Jakg
then set up a profile!
well i know, but
1. there are people who don't know there is this possibility
2. there are people with ATI cards (dunno how its done there)
3. its not for me, because when I turn AA or AF on i get about 3-6 fps... (except in very old games, ie quake 2)

AA/AF settings
(46 posts, started )