The online racing simulator
Quote from :Explaining how to use Blender in a game forum isn't really easy. You should get some tutorials online using Google.

do not worry...i just gave up altogether, it is not my cup of tea

i am better at editing pics, and such, anybody want to show their BEST renders?
Quote from logitekg25 :do not worry...i just gave up altogether, it is not my cup of tea

i am better at editing pics, and such, anybody want to show their BEST renders?

I'll post a render of a Nissan Z-Tune BNR34 soon. Keep watch of this topic
Quote from :I'll post a render of a Nissan Z-Tune BNR34 soon. Keep watch of this topic

dont wory i keep watch of this whole forum :hide:
Quote from logitekg25 :...they really need to make blender easier to move cameras and your personal view. i could not figure out how to change your view, but only the camera.

This had me tearing me hair out for a bit too, then, typically, realised it's really easy, at least at a basic level (tho this may not be the 'right' way to do it :shrug

I just:
Click on camera so it's pink
Object>Transform>Move on Axis
I used the Global XYZ as they seemed simplest to visualise

Object>Transform>Rotate on Axis
I used Local XYZ for this as then camera stays in same place

Same applies to moving cars, this was my first attempt at changing the scene (so it's very basic!...and it's that skin you love too...)
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Citrus add.jpg
lol to the skin, no i mean the view you actually see, not the view that the camera sees.
Crappy material on the car. Since there was no light to reflect on, I'd made do with this.

I'll post another one though, with the XRT this time. It's way better than this.
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Cool program!!
Some of my first tries: the first 2 screens are 7+ hours rendering (V2 scene) with the office pc overnight.
Notice the "bug" on the reflections of the RAC 2 lower front lights (second pic).
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i see no bug
Quote from logitekg25 :i see no bug

Look closer

Yeah, I don't know it's really a >bug< (nor does it really bother me that much) anyway there is that darker line on the lower end of each light, then its reflection should correspondigly be on the higher part of the (reflected) light, no ??
it is there, if you look on the left one (looking at the picture) you can barely make out the lind, then it is cut out by the curve
I`ve made first 2 skins for my skin set ;D

As for camera setting, here is my short tutorial for easy camera positioning, I use this trick in every Blender project:

first go to Add -> Empty and click button marked by red square

then select camera (it`s have to be pink) and choose from menu 'track to'

now select 'Empty', you have o check what`s it`s name (Empty is default but it can be also Empty.001 Empty.002 and so on) click small button thats marked and check 'OB' field

now select camera again, in OB type Object name of Empty and change buttons to what is on the screen

Effect shold be - camera is always heading to Empty now you can move empty so car is in the middle of view and move camera around

logitekg25 - To change view simply use numpad
1 - front view
3 - side view
7 - top view
5 - turn on/off perspective
2/4/6/8 - rotate the scene
0 - camera view
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Quote from pokem :I`ve made first 2 skins for my skin set ;D

As for camera setting, here is my short tutorial for easy camera positioning, I use this trick in every Blender project:

first go to Add -> Empty and click button marked by red square

then select camera (it`s have to be pink) and choose from menu 'track to'

now select 'Empty', you have o check what`s it`s name (Empty is default but it can be also Empty.001 Empty.002 and so on) click small button thats marked and check 'OB' field

now select camera again, in OB type Object name of Empty and change buttons to what is on the screen

Effect shold be - camera is always heading to Empty now you can move empty so car is in the middle of view and move camera around

logitekg25 - To change view simply use numpad
1 - front view
3 - side view
7 - top view
5 - turn on/off perspective
2/4/6/8 - rotate the scene
0 - camera view

thanks...seems easy enough...especially because once i got stuck looking into oblivion, and i made a render of obilvion too haha
How can I export only one car to 3ds format ??
I have tried to:

open the V2 scene,
select a car,
select all (press A),

but when I import the generated 3ds file, all I get is the standard "cube".
I have installed Python 2.62.
try first separate the car to another .blend file and then export it

to separate it create new file then go to 'file -> append or link'
choose 'LFS kit.blend' or whatever you named it then choose 'scene' and choose the car you want to have in new .blend file. After that delete the original scene with cube.

oh, and delete everything that`s not a model (lights, cameras etc)

I don`t know if this will help, just an idea

3ds exporter in blender always was sh*t, I tried script written by someone but it could only export models, and whole model had to be one piece (then you will have to add materials and textures in 3ds by yourself)
Quote :hi when i do my renders i got no background its just black what do i need to do??? thanks for the help zonda

Strange! I would like to have this! But I always get a mirror of the car and a white non transparent background

How can I switch it off to just have the car with a complete transparent background?

Or is this implemented in the V2 version of the cars file? Should I try version 1 ???

I just downloaded the Version 2.49a 64bit and did not change anything at the settings...

Btw IF I change some settings and can´t remember... is there a way to step back to the default settings?
Ok... I think I am to stupid for this

I want to render the FZR as shown in the LEFT window (picture 1).

As you see a camera is selected and if I press CTRL+NumPad-0 I only get this (picture 2)... :hypnotize

How the hell can I render the FZR exactly as shown in the left part of Pic1

Perhaps someone could explain it in baby steps how to change view angle and zoom and get it active to render.
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It's a simple solution on both your problems. If you don't want a transparent background you just select the "RBG" instead of the "RGBA" box. You find it in the same box as you change render size in.

And for the second problem, you should press CTRL+ALT+Numpad 0 but you forgot the ALT which makes you use the selected camera.

Hope it works!
Cool! The camera angle works, thanks!

Well but I do NOT want the a full background! What I want is to just render the car, no floor, no mirror on the floor - just the car to place it on a photo.

If I use V1 of the blender file there are no mirror effects on the floor, but there is a light grey "floor"... - and text on the tires and side windows look bad.

If I use V2 the render looks great, but the car stands on a white/light grey floor with a mirror effect.

And that is I want to get rid of!
Just delete the floor and set colour of background in 'world' settings (F8)


if you want plain colour but with shadow under the car select the floor than
go to material settings (F5) go to 'Mirror trans' section and unselect 'Ray Mirror' than go back to shaders section and select 'Only shadow'.

I don`t know, maybe it will work without unselecting ray mirror.
Quote :Just delete the floor and set colour of background in 'world' settings (F8)

Lol... that easy???

Well took me until now to find out how to delete the ground... but id worked - Great!

Next step is to render ALL LFS cars in one picture.... But I did not manage to get different cars in one project

I move the 1st car to another layer, then it takes me 10 tries to finally add a 2nd one... but then I am not able to position them independent...

1.) If I move one I move both although I did the U thing and selected Obj-ObjData-Material-Tex...

2.) I am not able to move the whole car: Although I select the whole car (A key) I only can move parts of the car...

Further tips would be nice...

Thx so far!
To move whole car type 'A' (select all) then 'G' (grab) and that`s it.

To select only one car type 'B' two lines crossing where cursor is should appeal. Now you can select objects like in RTS games

If you want to make render of all cars in one scene check if they have different materials for skin, normally they share one material you just have to change the texture but if you want to render all of them, all of them have to have separate materials. (or if you render them without skins, just plain colour than it`s all right )
Thanks again... But I guess I am too dumb...

I never managed it again to add a 2nd car

These are my steps:

1.) Open the blend file (V2)
2.) Select the XFG car (Pic1)
3.) Select only layer one (Pic2)
4.) Press A to select all, them M to move it to an other layer (Pic3)
5.) Press CTRL-L, choose "to sccene..." and select the XRG

But then???? Nothing happens...

What did I miss???

Well I managed it once with 10 tries... but then both cars were in one layer, but I could move one of them in to an other layer... But I can´t reproduce it

OK, moving both cars independent worked well with pokem´s tip, but I was not able to rotate them independently Yes, I selected ONE car and did the U thing... but it did not work.

I guess I need a step to step help and hope someone can help me!

(next step btw. will be to select a own skin for every car of course... a XFG looks quite funny with a XRG skin - lol)
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you move everything from one layer to another one, then you try to move the empty layer to another scene?

i think this is the problem you have

Quote :4.) Press A to select all, them M to move it to an other layer (Pic3)
5.) Press CTRL-L, choose "to sccene..." and select the XRG

so you only vew the first layer, move the complete layer into layer 6 or what ever and then you press CTRL+L and link the first layer to the other scene. but because the first layer is empty, nothing apears in the other scene.

just mark the layer you moved the stuff in and then press ctrl + l

edit, attatchment makes it a bit clearer (i hope)

edit2: the one time you linked the tires into the other scene, you didnt moove it onto another layer first

hope it helps
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Hmm... well I guess the manual on post one did not make it clear then:

Quote :If the car is not the same:
  • Select the car-to-duplicate 's scene
  • Select the first layer only of the scene by left-clicking on it. It will show the car only.
  • Select all the car parts by pressing "A" key (select all command). Check visually if most of the car look pink highlighted. Re-press "A" twice if not sure.
  • Move the car in another layer by pressing "M" key (just below the first one for example) to avoid a mess.
  • Press "ctrl+L" keys and click "to scene..." to copy the car to the other car final scene.
  • Select the destination car scene to show it.
  • The two cars should be in two different layers. Select the copied car layer only, select all its parts ("A" key), and make it single-user by pressing "U" key and clicking "object & obdata & materials & text". This operation unlink the copied car and now if you move or modify the car in one scene, the car in its original scene will not be affected by modifications.
  • Move the cars where you want with the manipulation tools.

I still don´t understand point 1 though... but following you description I have to just select layer one, select all (only the car is in layer one) by pressing A, move it to layer whatever - just an empty one - by pressing M.

But then I have to switch to the layer I moved the car too, select it completely by pressing A (if it isn´t still selected yet) and then I have to do the CTRL-L thing.... Hmm can´t remember that it worked as I tried, but will try again if my current render is finished in 3 to 5 hours...

As I said: I managed to copy a different 2nd car into the scene, but I can´t reproduce it But the problem I had there was that I was not able to turn both cars around separately... I was able to move both cars to different positions, but was not able to circle them around. And using different skins (different car types = different skins of course) was the next problem I stand in front of...

However, once my current render is done I try it again and post some screenshots if I discover any problems again...
here as little vid

some typos in there but i think its still quite clear^^
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Tutorial 1.rar - 1.6 MB - 308 views

Ready-To-Render kit (free)
(973 posts, started )