Well since i won't be free in the quite near future, I think i shall put a small tutorial here.....in words.........
Tutorial 2: How to control the car
Now, as the car is now rolling backwards, any steering input would be reflected in an opposite and magnified way. This is due to that the inertia of the rear end of the car would focus on the rear wheels. In normal cases (going forward), the weight transfer to the rear is good as you have the front wheels dragging the car to change direction, resulting in a better steering stability. When reversing, the extra load on the rear steering wheels could easily overcome the tyre's grip and the car will experience oversteer.
Car Dynamics: (Warning, the following guide is only applicable to RWDs ONLY. FWDs are a totally different matter)
To control the car, besides steering left to go right, ANY STEERING HAS TO BE AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE. Any excessive lock would cause your car to spin. One common problem with any reversing sets (at least with mine) is that it would start to understeer a little half way through the corner (e.g. devil's corner/drifter's corner in TC Montana). You can cure this by giving it more lock PROGRESSIVELY or indeed give it more gas (usually what i do to catapult out of a corner) to transfer more weight for more grip. Not every situation can be countered by this technique but with the right speed, there shouldn't be the need to apply for brakes mid-way through a corner.
When offroading (etc grass/sand), pay extra attention to the difference of grip between tarmac and grass, it can greatly steer the car when accelerating. Give it a lot more lock when cornering on grass.
Pay attention to the engine layout of the chosen car for reversing. FRs have their engines up front so it is easier for them to overcome rear grip. MRs have quite perfect for the job, the RAC being most used by Mr. P and god he's quick through the corners ( we both agreed after so many races and cruises : top speed is not important. It's the fun and speed it can dish out in corners which matters.). RRs would be then FFs when going forward so its handling is likewise.
Here's an extra Tip: ALWAYS RESIST THE URGE TO GIVE IT OPPOSITE LOCK when the car starts to spin. After the rear has slid more than the point of no return, which is only a little more than normal steering angle, any opposite will not only NOT save you, but it would make you spin faster. Do a proper 180, drive forward, and do a 180 to reverse again.
FWDs handles like RWDs with no steering up front and soap as tyres in the back. The above guide does not apply. The sets are so dangerous and suicidal that i am not bothering to write a guide for it here, not because i am lazy (acutally i am :tilt

but it's that no one is gonna make a set for FWDs anyway........
Hope this tutorial guide can help. Cheers
Black Rock Shooter