Fuel load + tyres to be saved with setup

Please can fuel load and tyre settings be saved as part of a setup? I find it hard to remember exactly what is required for every track I have a setup for and I'm always running out of fuel and getting the tyres wrong.

+1 provided that data isn't included when sending a setup to another player, as protection of strategy during the build up to league events.
I'd like all that to be sent as well, it helps noobs when on a new car/setup. I wouldn't be offended if you told me you didn't wanna give me your setup.
The tyre choice is saved now. As for the fuel, you just ask someone how much fuel you need per lap. Then you can make your own strategy.
@ Primoz: I think he meant the pit options of when to change tires, not the actual tire you choose to run.

These options are not setup dependant, but track and race length dependant. I wouldn't want 3 different setups for Aston North just because I run 5, 10, or 15 lap races.

I would rather like to see some sort of comments box. That way, if you do like me and name your setup per track (I think most do), then you can put in the comments "2.5% fuel per lap" or something.